Twice now I've gone to the airport to pick up my neighbour, and twice now the plane didn't land. Yesterday there was a bad storm between Thompson, MB and Gillam, MB. Today, the pilot changed his mind on the approach. Looks like I'll have to try again tomorrow to pick her up at the airport.


I've had this recipe for a few years, but never really made it before. I decided that since I have some to kill before I go and drive the company van in the Santa Claus Parade I'd make them.

After the parade my daughter and I will make some cookies...if she's in the mood to.


Last week, I was talking with a customer in the grocery store that I work in and was challenged to make a traditional panini bread. I searched on line and found a recipe.

I'm not used to baking where I have to weigh out the ingredients, so it was a different experience. I enjoyed the process and eating the finished product. The next time I...
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