Got my half-sleeve (sorta) finished today. I've been somewhat absent from the interwebs lately, buuuuuuuuut...Oh look! Pictures!
Also, I finished up my Mother's Day shopping quite swimmingly today. Lucky for me I don't start seeing any of my mother figures until tomorrow, so I had a few extra days. Woot!
Speaking of, my Mother's Day present was quite the bomb. It's a sapphire(my birthstone) ring, with all these little diamonds, and...ah fuck it, let's just throw a picture up there:
Needless to say, I luuuurrrrrvv it.
<3 <3 <3

Also, I finished up my Mother's Day shopping quite swimmingly today. Lucky for me I don't start seeing any of my mother figures until tomorrow, so I had a few extra days. Woot!
Speaking of, my Mother's Day present was quite the bomb. It's a sapphire(my birthstone) ring, with all these little diamonds, and...ah fuck it, let's just throw a picture up there:

Needless to say, I luuuurrrrrvv it.

<3 <3 <3
i want new ink..... saaaaad 

Don't be sad!!! No melancholyitis.