I think I just earned my ass a ticket to Barcelona!
I was invited to teach there (more like assist, really) from oct 8th to the 18th.
I wasn't sure if i wanted to go, tickets being $600 bucks and all, and although once i get there it would be all expenses paid, I wouldn't make any money.
Enter the Cell Phone Drama:
I switched from sprint to AT&T. I needed a new phone, and I figured I'd switch in case i decide to get an Iphone down the line.
They fucked up my service so bad. It took them 2 weeks to switch my number over, I had to carry both phones, and spent hours and hours arguing on customer service.
Long story short: ATT gave me my first month of service free, including activation, and sprint just set my balance to zero.
All things told, that is at least $300, maybe almost $400.
Lets go to Spain, Baby!
Now we just wait for the passport....
I think I just earned my ass a ticket to Barcelona!
I was invited to teach there (more like assist, really) from oct 8th to the 18th.
I wasn't sure if i wanted to go, tickets being $600 bucks and all, and although once i get there it would be all expenses paid, I wouldn't make any money.
Enter the Cell Phone Drama:
I switched from sprint to AT&T. I needed a new phone, and I figured I'd switch in case i decide to get an Iphone down the line.
They fucked up my service so bad. It took them 2 weeks to switch my number over, I had to carry both phones, and spent hours and hours arguing on customer service.
Long story short: ATT gave me my first month of service free, including activation, and sprint just set my balance to zero.
All things told, that is at least $300, maybe almost $400.
Lets go to Spain, Baby!
Now we just wait for the passport....

i believe that was the plan.

you had ask i think about breathing in the yoga group... i just finished an old school yoga book that i think covered different pranayama exercises. since i couldn't find the topic i decided just to check in here