Tiger woke me up this morning by biting a chunk out of my hair. I'm dead asleep, when all of a sudden, "Yoooowwwwch!!!" I sit up and there he is trying to eat the hair that he ripped from my head. So, right away I'm up and wrestling it out of his mouth. Fuckin' brat. After I win, he goes off into the corner to pout while I try to get back to sleep. As soon as I close my eyes he's back at it. I finally pulled the blankets over my head.
Then, tonight it seems Lil' Bit crashed into something with her face. Her left eye is swelled nearly shut and I have no idea what happened. I came home from work and she looked fine. Then, a few minutes ago she comes and sits next to me with her face all misshapen. I didn't hear her yowl... she was purring and being all lovely with me, so she's not in pain. She can see out of it. I'm going to wait until morning and see if it improves. I've done the vet after mid-night deal before with Tiger. I'm so not ready for another financial sucker punch at one of those ER clinics only to get the "take two of these and call me in the morning" routine. $400.00!!! For that!!!???
Lil' Bit has been here for probably a month now. I think the dynamics have been solidified. She is Tiger's cat -- not mine. Tiger has become more docile, even my housemate has noticed how he's not as much about hellraising than he is about being sweet. I love watching he and Lil' Bit wash each other, and wrestle and sleep and snuggle. My relationship with Lil' Bit is a bit weird. I haven't gotten to know her very well. She doesn't much care for me unless it involves food. I'm like The Other Woman or something. I'm fine with that as long as Tiger is happy and she is well fed.
Have we heard enough about my cats???
In other news, I got to hang out with my friend Mofo and I was a guest on his show on KSEX radio along with his co-host Flower Tucci and Missi Monroe. Good times. Afterwards we all went to Hooter's where there were hula hoops and chicken wings.
I've been practicing with Kurt Lockwood's band, Not The Ramones. I'll be singing back up with Samantha Ryan and Monica Mayhem for a show on Friday night in Hollywood. Should be some more good times!
Registered for classes today. I start next month and am looking forward to it. I've been in such a funk these days... wasn't sure what was going on. I've been kinda depressed. Only putting on my happy face and leaving the house when I had to. Didn't think I could survive hitting bottom again and wasn't sure what I needed to do to revive myself.
Yesterday I got up and did yoga. I felt so much better. Then, registering for classes today... it gives me something to look forward to. Baby steps.
Also, I haven't gotten laid in awhile, so that's likely contributing to my grumpiness. I've been hard up for something wild for awhile now. There is only so long I can do it on my own and I've tired of that. I don't even have any prospects. It's a sad sad situation. Something to work on this weekend, maybe?
Tiger woke me up this morning by biting a chunk out of my hair. I'm dead asleep, when all of a sudden, "Yoooowwwwch!!!" I sit up and there he is trying to eat the hair that he ripped from my head. So, right away I'm up and wrestling it out of his mouth. Fuckin' brat. After I win, he goes off into the corner to pout while I try to get back to sleep. As soon as I close my eyes he's back at it. I finally pulled the blankets over my head.
Then, tonight it seems Lil' Bit crashed into something with her face. Her left eye is swelled nearly shut and I have no idea what happened. I came home from work and she looked fine. Then, a few minutes ago she comes and sits next to me with her face all misshapen. I didn't hear her yowl... she was purring and being all lovely with me, so she's not in pain. She can see out of it. I'm going to wait until morning and see if it improves. I've done the vet after mid-night deal before with Tiger. I'm so not ready for another financial sucker punch at one of those ER clinics only to get the "take two of these and call me in the morning" routine. $400.00!!! For that!!!???
Lil' Bit has been here for probably a month now. I think the dynamics have been solidified. She is Tiger's cat -- not mine. Tiger has become more docile, even my housemate has noticed how he's not as much about hellraising than he is about being sweet. I love watching he and Lil' Bit wash each other, and wrestle and sleep and snuggle. My relationship with Lil' Bit is a bit weird. I haven't gotten to know her very well. She doesn't much care for me unless it involves food. I'm like The Other Woman or something. I'm fine with that as long as Tiger is happy and she is well fed.
Have we heard enough about my cats???

In other news, I got to hang out with my friend Mofo and I was a guest on his show on KSEX radio along with his co-host Flower Tucci and Missi Monroe. Good times. Afterwards we all went to Hooter's where there were hula hoops and chicken wings.
I've been practicing with Kurt Lockwood's band, Not The Ramones. I'll be singing back up with Samantha Ryan and Monica Mayhem for a show on Friday night in Hollywood. Should be some more good times!
Registered for classes today. I start next month and am looking forward to it. I've been in such a funk these days... wasn't sure what was going on. I've been kinda depressed. Only putting on my happy face and leaving the house when I had to. Didn't think I could survive hitting bottom again and wasn't sure what I needed to do to revive myself.
Yesterday I got up and did yoga. I felt so much better. Then, registering for classes today... it gives me something to look forward to. Baby steps.
Also, I haven't gotten laid in awhile, so that's likely contributing to my grumpiness. I've been hard up for something wild for awhile now. There is only so long I can do it on my own and I've tired of that. I don't even have any prospects. It's a sad sad situation. Something to work on this weekend, maybe?
i doubt he's ready to stop being the baby.