Well, after months of debate I finally did it. Today I went and got a kitten for my cat.
And he hates her.
It's possible that he's mostly mad at me. Today was one big day of preparation for her arrival. I went out and bought new toys for Tiger and her, new brushes, food, litter. Tiger got a bath so he could be all shiny and clean for her. Then I put new flea stuff on him. He was rightly pissed.
I head over to pharaoh's apartment to do a meet and greet with the baby. She's adorable. After getting briefly acquainted, I walk with her to my car where she sits on my lap for the drive home while I talk to her about all the wonderful things that await her.
And then Tiger goes and hates her.
She stays upstairs with me and Tiger keeps himself downstairs. She only goes downstairs with me so she can eat and potty. Then her and Tiger do their little face off. Each of them staring at one another from across the room, slowly inching closer. Soon they're nose to nose. Tiger hisses, she spits and they both back off.
"Tiger!", I say, "I got her for you! A baby!!" He doesn't care. He hates me, too.
I haven't decided on a name for her yet. I'd rather hoped Tiger and I would come up with it together. For now I've just been referring to her as "Baby". She really is the sweetest thing, even while she sits there gnawing away on my sandals.
Today one of my friends had a birthday. He took me out for drinks and dinner. Then we walked around browsing a used book / record shop and chatting for awhile. It was good to see him again, I think it's been a couple weeks.
While at the bookstore I purchased a book on writing a book. An autobiography. I've been wanting to write something of an exaggerated autobiography for a few years... I just need to organize my thoughts on the matter. I've tried my hand at it a few times before, simply capturing certain moments in my personal history. Like that one summer when I first tried LSD and lost my virginity -- though not in the exact same time.
I think my story would only interest me, as I don't have anything like a consistent cast of characters in my life -- in fact, I've cast off someone fairly consistent just this past weekend (and good riddance!) --- so it would only cause confusion for anyone other than myself. Instead, I have numerous characters who enter and exit my life. They touch and shape me briefly, until no more good can come from our acquaintance. Then they are dismissed. By me.
It would be a good exercise. Something like recapitulation.
I might have to go to Vegas.
And he hates her.
It's possible that he's mostly mad at me. Today was one big day of preparation for her arrival. I went out and bought new toys for Tiger and her, new brushes, food, litter. Tiger got a bath so he could be all shiny and clean for her. Then I put new flea stuff on him. He was rightly pissed.
I head over to pharaoh's apartment to do a meet and greet with the baby. She's adorable. After getting briefly acquainted, I walk with her to my car where she sits on my lap for the drive home while I talk to her about all the wonderful things that await her.
And then Tiger goes and hates her.
She stays upstairs with me and Tiger keeps himself downstairs. She only goes downstairs with me so she can eat and potty. Then her and Tiger do their little face off. Each of them staring at one another from across the room, slowly inching closer. Soon they're nose to nose. Tiger hisses, she spits and they both back off.
"Tiger!", I say, "I got her for you! A baby!!" He doesn't care. He hates me, too.
I haven't decided on a name for her yet. I'd rather hoped Tiger and I would come up with it together. For now I've just been referring to her as "Baby". She really is the sweetest thing, even while she sits there gnawing away on my sandals.
Today one of my friends had a birthday. He took me out for drinks and dinner. Then we walked around browsing a used book / record shop and chatting for awhile. It was good to see him again, I think it's been a couple weeks.
While at the bookstore I purchased a book on writing a book. An autobiography. I've been wanting to write something of an exaggerated autobiography for a few years... I just need to organize my thoughts on the matter. I've tried my hand at it a few times before, simply capturing certain moments in my personal history. Like that one summer when I first tried LSD and lost my virginity -- though not in the exact same time.
I think my story would only interest me, as I don't have anything like a consistent cast of characters in my life -- in fact, I've cast off someone fairly consistent just this past weekend (and good riddance!) --- so it would only cause confusion for anyone other than myself. Instead, I have numerous characters who enter and exit my life. They touch and shape me briefly, until no more good can come from our acquaintance. Then they are dismissed. By me.
It would be a good exercise. Something like recapitulation.
I might have to go to Vegas.
I think writing your autobiography is an excellent idea. Even if it is just for you right now, think how great that will be to have a few years down the road. I wish I had more journalling discipline (my offsite "literary" one, that is) but it's not a priority right now.