When I was a kid, my grandfather used to give me highball glasses of tonic water with lime to drink. He'd include two skinny coffee stirrer straws for me to sip the beverage with. Only recently did it occur to me that I never liked the taste of tonic water and lime, but only drank it to please my grandfather. Weekend after weekend.. glass after glass... I never said anything. He probably only continued to give it to me because he thought I liked it.
Today, however, I do enjoy a gin and tonic with lime, minus the stirrer straws. Thanks for the prep work, grandpa!!
I already called out of work once last week when I first came down sick, then I requested Monday evening off so I could work Eon_McKai's Kill Girl Kill 2 release party. I have to go to work tomorrow.
So, I've been on NyQuil since 2 a.m., only waking up when the pills wear off to get a drink, take a piss, pop more pills and go back to bed.
I was feeling so bad last night I almost didn't go to the release party. An hour before the party I was still in my house dress. Then I get an IM saying : "Are you coming???" So, I get dressed and pop over.
I had a hard time getting into the vibe and talking to people. I don't like to be around people when I'm feeling below the weather. I become irritable and standoffish. But I talked to some cool people and worked the beverage counter with Alice.
Fun fact! Director, Jim Malibu, had a hand in rebuilding the booths at The Lusty Lady in San Francisco.
Also, for the first time ever someone inquired about the possibility of having intercourse with me after presenting me with their AIM test results.
No "Hey baby, what's your name?" Simply, "Here is my test. Can we do it?"
Guess what? I feel like shit. Off to bed.
Today, however, I do enjoy a gin and tonic with lime, minus the stirrer straws. Thanks for the prep work, grandpa!!
I already called out of work once last week when I first came down sick, then I requested Monday evening off so I could work Eon_McKai's Kill Girl Kill 2 release party. I have to go to work tomorrow.
So, I've been on NyQuil since 2 a.m., only waking up when the pills wear off to get a drink, take a piss, pop more pills and go back to bed.
I was feeling so bad last night I almost didn't go to the release party. An hour before the party I was still in my house dress. Then I get an IM saying : "Are you coming???" So, I get dressed and pop over.
I had a hard time getting into the vibe and talking to people. I don't like to be around people when I'm feeling below the weather. I become irritable and standoffish. But I talked to some cool people and worked the beverage counter with Alice.

Fun fact! Director, Jim Malibu, had a hand in rebuilding the booths at The Lusty Lady in San Francisco.
Also, for the first time ever someone inquired about the possibility of having intercourse with me after presenting me with their AIM test results.

Guess what? I feel like shit. Off to bed.
i work with one (slightly irritating) guy, all day - day in day out. Not counting the days when we go to the warehouse - add about 5 sweaty OLD men and a pscyopathic killer dog into the mix.
I want your job!