Right now I'm in the mood for a little Loverboy:
I'm not man or machine
I'm just something in between
I'm all love, a dynamo
So push the button and let me go
You want me to come alive
Just flick the switch into overdrive
You and me can let it be
Touch that dial - Turn me on
Start me like a motor, make me run
Lovin' every minute of it
Turn that dial all the way
Shoot me like a rocket into space
Lovin' every minute of it
Okay, enough of that. I went out and saw some deep, diiiiiiirty, low down, Southern rock at The Viper Room. Love Child Suicide is awesome. I can't wait to see them again. Every song felt like fucking. Mmmmmm...
Took myself out to the salon today. I really just wanted to get a manicure, pedicure and a facial... but I ended up getting talked into fucking acrylic tips! Fuck I forgot how debilitating the damned things are. I can't even open my can of Pabst anymore! I guess I'll wear 'em to prom and then have the fuckers yanked off. Bleech! They look really cute though... if I were the dainty type. But, I like to get down and dirty too much for this type of shit.
Went to The Rainbow and finally met Lemmy from Motorhead / Probot. I'd seen him there a few times before but never had anything to say. This time I'd had enough to drink that I actually thought I had something to say. So, I go up to him and say, "Hey! You were in the SuicideGirls video!" Ooops, "Shit, I meant, SuicideGirls were in your video! Errr.. Probot!" Uh... I make one more attempt at not being an asshole, "Hi! I'm Sita! On SuicideGirls!"
Jeez..... How do I always manage to do this? I nearly fainted the first time I met Woody Harrelson, I didn't know who Hal Sparks was until he told me, I ran away from Sebastian Bach... I could go on about making an ass of myself in front of celebrity boys. Though, it's likely that I'm this goofy all the time, it's just more noticeable to me when it's someone who is well-known. Lemmy was really sweet, though.
I finally saw it with my own two eyes. The stench in my 'hood is not the neighbors burning the hairy green bud. It really is a skunk. I saw it waddle by as I was walking to my apartment. Shame they're so smelly, because they really are cute!
Okay, night. These fucking falsie fingernails are making it damned hard to type!
I'm not man or machine
I'm just something in between
I'm all love, a dynamo
So push the button and let me go
You want me to come alive
Just flick the switch into overdrive
You and me can let it be
Touch that dial - Turn me on
Start me like a motor, make me run
Lovin' every minute of it
Turn that dial all the way
Shoot me like a rocket into space
Lovin' every minute of it
Okay, enough of that. I went out and saw some deep, diiiiiiirty, low down, Southern rock at The Viper Room. Love Child Suicide is awesome. I can't wait to see them again. Every song felt like fucking. Mmmmmm...
Took myself out to the salon today. I really just wanted to get a manicure, pedicure and a facial... but I ended up getting talked into fucking acrylic tips! Fuck I forgot how debilitating the damned things are. I can't even open my can of Pabst anymore! I guess I'll wear 'em to prom and then have the fuckers yanked off. Bleech! They look really cute though... if I were the dainty type. But, I like to get down and dirty too much for this type of shit.
Went to The Rainbow and finally met Lemmy from Motorhead / Probot. I'd seen him there a few times before but never had anything to say. This time I'd had enough to drink that I actually thought I had something to say. So, I go up to him and say, "Hey! You were in the SuicideGirls video!" Ooops, "Shit, I meant, SuicideGirls were in your video! Errr.. Probot!" Uh... I make one more attempt at not being an asshole, "Hi! I'm Sita! On SuicideGirls!"

I finally saw it with my own two eyes. The stench in my 'hood is not the neighbors burning the hairy green bud. It really is a skunk. I saw it waddle by as I was walking to my apartment. Shame they're so smelly, because they really are cute!
Okay, night. These fucking falsie fingernails are making it damned hard to type!
1. mindless escapism, or
2. military recruitment propoganda.
man, that's a conversation we could spend some time with...
...the mindless escapism has really gotten good though