I have been to the Rainbow for the past three nights in a row. If they aren't sick of seeing me there.. I know I sure as hell am.
My friend Marcie was nice enough to snap a pic of my plumber butt as I bent over wearing my favorite pair of pants. Ultra low slung green corduroy hip-huggers:
Unbeknownst to me, Wrestlemania was in town. I totally met what appeared to be Hulk Hogan's daddums:
I also met this quiet, foreign boy whom I decided looked like Tommy Lee:
And then I fell in and out of love... I'm completely serious. My loves are fleeting. Too intense to survive the drudgery of day to day. I take it as it comes and let it go just as easily.
Janis said it best (well, okay, not best, but she hit pretty hard on what I'm getting at):
if you got a cat for one day, man
I mean, if you, say,say,
If you want a cat for 365 days, right
You aint got him for 365 days, you got him for one day, man.
Well I tell you that one day, man, better be your life, man.
Because, you know, you can say, oh man,
You can cry about the other 364, man,
But youre gonna lose that one day, man,
And thats all youve got.
You gotta call that love, man. Thats what it is, man.
Dig? Okay, well, she was probably drunk and talking during a black out which... hmmm.... What could that possibly say about the way I think sober, if I relate so well to the way she thought while drunk?
Anyway. He's an amateur wrestler. Yeah, I know. I fucking surprised myself with that one, too.
But he loved me. He loved my cat. It was awesome. What more could I ask for?
Here are some pics of me falling
Apparently, I don't keep my eyes open while in love.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
All that shit aside, I also met this fab kid named Brett Hellings. He's super cute and I believe he said he moved out here from New York after releasing his album. Check him out... total classic rock vibe, so of course I dig it. And hell, if he doesn't make it as a rockstar, he can be a model.
I also finally got to see my friends Crypt Orchid play for the first time in a couple years. Their sound is essentially the same, but their live performance has improved by a high margin. Intense. High energy... they really put on a great show. Lots of love.
Arrrghh! Thank you Tiger_Liger for breaking the shower! I swear, that damned thing is not a cat, he's a miniature monkey.

My friend Marcie was nice enough to snap a pic of my plumber butt as I bent over wearing my favorite pair of pants. Ultra low slung green corduroy hip-huggers:

Unbeknownst to me, Wrestlemania was in town. I totally met what appeared to be Hulk Hogan's daddums:

I also met this quiet, foreign boy whom I decided looked like Tommy Lee:

And then I fell in and out of love... I'm completely serious. My loves are fleeting. Too intense to survive the drudgery of day to day. I take it as it comes and let it go just as easily.
Janis said it best (well, okay, not best, but she hit pretty hard on what I'm getting at):
if you got a cat for one day, man
I mean, if you, say,say,
If you want a cat for 365 days, right
You aint got him for 365 days, you got him for one day, man.
Well I tell you that one day, man, better be your life, man.
Because, you know, you can say, oh man,
You can cry about the other 364, man,
But youre gonna lose that one day, man,
And thats all youve got.
You gotta call that love, man. Thats what it is, man.
Dig? Okay, well, she was probably drunk and talking during a black out which... hmmm.... What could that possibly say about the way I think sober, if I relate so well to the way she thought while drunk?
Anyway. He's an amateur wrestler. Yeah, I know. I fucking surprised myself with that one, too.

Here are some pics of me falling

Apparently, I don't keep my eyes open while in love.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
All that shit aside, I also met this fab kid named Brett Hellings. He's super cute and I believe he said he moved out here from New York after releasing his album. Check him out... total classic rock vibe, so of course I dig it. And hell, if he doesn't make it as a rockstar, he can be a model.

I also finally got to see my friends Crypt Orchid play for the first time in a couple years. Their sound is essentially the same, but their live performance has improved by a high margin. Intense. High energy... they really put on a great show. Lots of love.
Arrrghh! Thank you Tiger_Liger for breaking the shower! I swear, that damned thing is not a cat, he's a miniature monkey.


I agree that regret sucks, for the most part. I always feel a little peace during that speech Jason Robards gives in Magnolia about regret.
I loved her so. And she knew what I did. She knew all the fucking stupid things I'd done. But the love...was stronger than anything you can think of. The goddamn regret. The goddamn regret! And I'll die. Now I'll die, and I'll tell you what...the biggest regret of my life. I let my love go. What did I do? I'm 65 years old. And I'm ashamed. Million years ago. The fucking regret and guilt, these things...don't ever let anyone ever say to you... you shouldn't regret anything. Don't do that! Don't. You regret what you fucking want. Use that. Use that. Use that regret for anything, anyway you want. You can use it, okay? Oh God. This is a long way to go with no punch. A little moral...story, I say. Love. Love. Love.
Oh, I love the drama.
The Really Ripped Abs cologne smells like any other cologne to me. They all smell the same. But like my friend anakinjay said, you can wear it and tell people you have a six-pack, and if they don't believe you, just say "Oh yeah? Go ahead and take a big old whiff!"
You're going to get Jason Mewes. I swear it.