Tiger_Liger is a horny cat. I thought the neuter would fix him, but I should've learned from my last Baby Tiger cat. He didn't start humping my arm until after the procedure.
Right when I step in the door Tiger is all over me to get my attention. Jumping on furniture, counter tops, etc. Racing me up the stairs. So, I finally relent and pet him for a bit and after a few minutes he rushes off to hump his blankie. infinitelykaty has seen it. It's disgustingly hilarious to witness.
Went to Vulgarthon today. It was awesome. I thought the movies were so-so, given that I'm not a huge Kevin Smith fan. There was just too much whiney / crying dialogue for my taste. I prefer more violence and gore. Dirty talk. Toilet humor. They showed a film called Big Helium Dog, which I really enjoyed. I think it was Brian Lynch's shit. But, it's not like I went to watch movies all damned day, anyway. I spent most of the time out front talking to people, or at the bar keeping a steady buzz.
I met alot of the regulars from the View Askew message boards. Happened across a fellow SG member, DouglasFir who came to visit all the way from the UK. Also met some of the actors and View Askew crew. What a fun group of people. I'm so glad I didn't skip this event, as I'd originally intended.
I also saw Jason Mewes a couple more times, which is really starting to fuckin' creep me out. I didn't ask for another picture or autograph, I mean, how many fuckin' pictures and autographs from one guy does a girl need? Uh... I think I have some kind of freaky crush on that guy.
This is weird for me. I don't crush... or I haven't in a long while. I mean, sure, I've masturbated to dirty thoughts about that boy many times -- but hell! He's sexy! Who wouldn't? He'd walk by and I'd feel fuckin' queasy.
And tongue-tied and nervous. I'm not used to that. I go for what I want, I don't sit around giggling and twiddling my fuckin' thumbs.
Ah, well. This too shall pass.
It's a fucking cartoon character! I may as well start jockin' Jessica Rabbit while I'm at it.
My friend Tyler's comedy short was screened at Cinespace tonight. Too bad he didn't let me know until this afternoon - via email! I would've gladly skipped a bit of Vulgarthon to check it out. I saw the short and was interested to see an audience reaction to it. Plus, he's such an awesome guy and I'd totally pimp my support for him. Very easy-going with a great sense of humor. I love that. I love being around people who aren't too self-absorbed and make me laugh.
I hate getting new phone numbers. For the first few months it's wrong number and telemarketers. I just got the line for DSL but every so often it rings. I've taken to picking up the phone and simply shouting into the receiver, "WRONG!!!!", then hanging up.
Ugh. I've been slacking off and partying way too fuckin' much. Like I'm really trying to go for broke here. I need to get off my ass and find a job if I'm going to start school in May as planned.
It's 2:30 a.m. What the fuck am I still doing up?
Right when I step in the door Tiger is all over me to get my attention. Jumping on furniture, counter tops, etc. Racing me up the stairs. So, I finally relent and pet him for a bit and after a few minutes he rushes off to hump his blankie. infinitelykaty has seen it. It's disgustingly hilarious to witness.
Went to Vulgarthon today. It was awesome. I thought the movies were so-so, given that I'm not a huge Kevin Smith fan. There was just too much whiney / crying dialogue for my taste. I prefer more violence and gore. Dirty talk. Toilet humor. They showed a film called Big Helium Dog, which I really enjoyed. I think it was Brian Lynch's shit. But, it's not like I went to watch movies all damned day, anyway. I spent most of the time out front talking to people, or at the bar keeping a steady buzz.
I met alot of the regulars from the View Askew message boards. Happened across a fellow SG member, DouglasFir who came to visit all the way from the UK. Also met some of the actors and View Askew crew. What a fun group of people. I'm so glad I didn't skip this event, as I'd originally intended.
I also saw Jason Mewes a couple more times, which is really starting to fuckin' creep me out. I didn't ask for another picture or autograph, I mean, how many fuckin' pictures and autographs from one guy does a girl need? Uh... I think I have some kind of freaky crush on that guy.

Ah, well. This too shall pass.

My friend Tyler's comedy short was screened at Cinespace tonight. Too bad he didn't let me know until this afternoon - via email! I would've gladly skipped a bit of Vulgarthon to check it out. I saw the short and was interested to see an audience reaction to it. Plus, he's such an awesome guy and I'd totally pimp my support for him. Very easy-going with a great sense of humor. I love that. I love being around people who aren't too self-absorbed and make me laugh.
I hate getting new phone numbers. For the first few months it's wrong number and telemarketers. I just got the line for DSL but every so often it rings. I've taken to picking up the phone and simply shouting into the receiver, "WRONG!!!!", then hanging up.
Ugh. I've been slacking off and partying way too fuckin' much. Like I'm really trying to go for broke here. I need to get off my ass and find a job if I'm going to start school in May as planned.
It's 2:30 a.m. What the fuck am I still doing up?
Good fucking times.
I think Jason would make anyone nervous, crushing or not. Nothing seems to keep his attention for more than a second, so talking to him must be pretty impossible.
Aieeee...I miss you.
I'm hoping for a money miracle to get me out to Hollywood soon.
Hopefully a $300 check will be coming my way...I shoot my SG set tomorrow. Hooray!