One good thing about being sick is all the weight I lost. I went from a small size 7 to a small size 5. My old size 5 pants are fitting me baggy now! Woot! I love it. I love to strip off my clothes and prance around in front of the mirror oogling my new figure.
Something that has been causing me a bit of concern is a pain in my chest. I've had it all day and it won't go away. Every so often I get a sharp pain to my chest but it goes away and is never this consistent. I really would fucking hate to have to go to another clinic, but if the pain is not gone tomorrow I guess that's how I'll have to spend my Sunday. Dammit. What could it be?
I'm really having problems with this getting older thing. Everytime people ask me how old I am I just cringe and mutter. When I was in NY with infinitelykaty I commented on how I used to be so photogenic. I didn't have to do anything to take great pictures. Now I have to pile on all kinds of cosmetics and practice poses and facial expressions.
Ahem. On the bright side I went out tonight and got to meet Geraldine, Manda, LTrain, Sloane and Flux. In that order. All very sexy, very fun ladies. We went to a French restaurant. I almost tried escargot, but couldn't stop thinking about the slimely little things.. so I just got a crepe.
I'm supposed to go out with my friend Danny again tonight, but when I called him he said he was jammin' and smoking. Probably just as well. I should go pop some ibuprofens and lay down. I'm seriously in pain and my habit is to ignore it and just hope it goes away. This cannot be ignored and it's just going to make me a grumpy butt to be around if I go out again tonight.
Something that has been causing me a bit of concern is a pain in my chest. I've had it all day and it won't go away. Every so often I get a sharp pain to my chest but it goes away and is never this consistent. I really would fucking hate to have to go to another clinic, but if the pain is not gone tomorrow I guess that's how I'll have to spend my Sunday. Dammit. What could it be?
I'm really having problems with this getting older thing. Everytime people ask me how old I am I just cringe and mutter. When I was in NY with infinitelykaty I commented on how I used to be so photogenic. I didn't have to do anything to take great pictures. Now I have to pile on all kinds of cosmetics and practice poses and facial expressions.
Ahem. On the bright side I went out tonight and got to meet Geraldine, Manda, LTrain, Sloane and Flux. In that order. All very sexy, very fun ladies. We went to a French restaurant. I almost tried escargot, but couldn't stop thinking about the slimely little things.. so I just got a crepe.
I'm supposed to go out with my friend Danny again tonight, but when I called him he said he was jammin' and smoking. Probably just as well. I should go pop some ibuprofens and lay down. I'm seriously in pain and my habit is to ignore it and just hope it goes away. This cannot be ignored and it's just going to make me a grumpy butt to be around if I go out again tonight.
It was awesome meeting you.
I'll let you know when I go back to the restaurant. Maybe we could have lunch. I have to get another of those pizza's.