I've been off cavorting about with my own personal Prince Charming.
In the meantime, peep this:
Also, infinitelykaty rocks my goddamn socks!!

In the meantime, peep this:
Also, infinitelykaty rocks my goddamn socks!!

yum. yum yum yum.
but when i re-subscribed here , i started to talk about this girl i've been seeing recently. . but no-one seemed too interested after i said .."she gave herself a bloody-nose giving me a blow-job" . . anyways about a month later . . we were doing our thing, and all of a sudden she says. .
" ohh! stop! something's happeneing!"
and i'm thinking. . this has gotta be good , no way i'm stopping . .
the next thing i know . . i'm getting all warm down my leg, so , i do stop. .
and she starts yelling " i swear to god it's not pee!"
and the next thing i know ,. .she 's grabbing herself , screaming . . "oh gawd! it won't stop!"
in the meantime . . i've already cracked a beer and lit a smoke . .as i'm sitting there watching this go on. .
and this goes on for . .hell , it seemed like forever . .
as she;'s screaming "what did you do to me?!"
so, now. . this happens every time we have sex. .
which basically means . . we have to do it on the floor with about 5 towels strategically located for easy sop-up. .
i kinda like that i can make her do this until last weekend , when she informed me , (afterwards) . . "i actually just pee'd on you last night!"