Missed my flight to NY because I was up half the night dickin' around, then spent the time I should've been traveling to the airport dawdling some more.
There was a strangeness in the air... this weird fog of impending.. something. It felt forced. The vibes weren't on my side this time.
we've got stars directing our fate
and we're praying it's not too late
cause we know we're falling from grace
No worries. I will be in NY in February to see Tori Amos. I heard about it at the very last minute and got shitty balcony seats right before it sold out. They'll most likely open up more seats closer to the date or the night of the show. I should've tried to buy a single seat instead of two. I always find better seats when I purchase only for myself.
I just don't know what I'll do with myself this weekend. I cleared my entire schedule so I could be on the East Coast. Maybe I can think of some crafty project to work on. I have Mod Podge and some acrylic paints. Hmmm... I also have scissors and dental floss. If I had a needle, I could make a journal out of a cereal box and some printer paper.
But, I'm feeling musical right now. I really wish I had a better comp. What I really love to do is take random clips and noises and loop them with me howling or vocalizing odd phrases into something that could be loosely referred to as a "song". Once when I had a live-in, he was outside watering the yard and I guess he heard me through the window of my office. He came up to the window and said, "What the fuck is that? What are you doing in there??!!"
I'm going to have to get up early one morning so I can get a clip of the cable car song before the tourist come about.
Maybe I'll just take a nap.
Hey! Happy Friday the 13th!
P.S. One of my Top Ten Favorite People, CryptOrchid just joined up.
Check him out, say Hi!
P.P.S. I wish I could sing like Janis Joplin, or Etta James, or Robert Plant.

There was a strangeness in the air... this weird fog of impending.. something. It felt forced. The vibes weren't on my side this time.
we've got stars directing our fate
and we're praying it's not too late
cause we know we're falling from grace
No worries. I will be in NY in February to see Tori Amos. I heard about it at the very last minute and got shitty balcony seats right before it sold out. They'll most likely open up more seats closer to the date or the night of the show. I should've tried to buy a single seat instead of two. I always find better seats when I purchase only for myself.
I just don't know what I'll do with myself this weekend. I cleared my entire schedule so I could be on the East Coast. Maybe I can think of some crafty project to work on. I have Mod Podge and some acrylic paints. Hmmm... I also have scissors and dental floss. If I had a needle, I could make a journal out of a cereal box and some printer paper.
But, I'm feeling musical right now. I really wish I had a better comp. What I really love to do is take random clips and noises and loop them with me howling or vocalizing odd phrases into something that could be loosely referred to as a "song". Once when I had a live-in, he was outside watering the yard and I guess he heard me through the window of my office. He came up to the window and said, "What the fuck is that? What are you doing in there??!!"

I'm going to have to get up early one morning so I can get a clip of the cable car song before the tourist come about.
Maybe I'll just take a nap.
Hey! Happy Friday the 13th!

P.S. One of my Top Ten Favorite People, CryptOrchid just joined up.

P.P.S. I wish I could sing like Janis Joplin, or Etta James, or Robert Plant.
What was getting your noistrils cauterized like? I might have to do that because after 22 years, I'm sick of this!!!
I'm glad the polyp wasn't cancerous! There's a good chance I'm going ot have fibroid tumors in my uterus when I get older so I'll probably have to get a hysteroctemy.
Glad to know someone else feels my medical issues pain!