Congratulations!! I have been late to my day job every single day this week so far. I would be suprised that no one has said anything to me, if I thought anyone was noticing. Or, maybe they are noticing, but just haven't said anything.
Oooh!! I went streaking through the park last night for the first time (since I was a kidlet, anyway). SO much fun! I recommend it to everyone!!! It was so freeing to run in nothing but socks and tennies at 3 a.m.
I don't work tonight, which means I get to catch up on paperwork, clean my room, then treat myself to some sushi, wine and a nice soak in the tub. Ahhhh... sweetsweet relaxation!!
I talked to Dave_h today!! I want to go out dancing with him tonight. I never got to know him that well, but I realized I missed him. I don't think I'll make it. I wish there were some way that I could require less sleep or make more hours to the day or both or something. There are so many awesome things to see and do!!
Like this. The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets. Starts running at the end of this month. I'm going I'm going I'm going!! Anything that involves William S. Burroughs, I'm there!!
One of my friends called and left me a message saying you can buy wine in a can in Japan. I'm such a wino! Now I hasta go to Japan. =)
I met Johnny Love last night. He has his own line of Vodka. I got to try some. The best! He sayed he'll let me know when it gets picked up for wider distro. Then I think it'll be time to have a Johnny Love Vodka paaaaaaarteeeeeee!!!!
I also met a drummer last night. I looooove drummers. They are the most!!!
I met someone to explore New Orleans with me! He's never been either, so it shall be a blast!
Also, found a better deal for my trip to Seattle if I get airfare + hotel together. Mucho Awesomeness! Yes!
Talked to my old department supervisor today. She said the department I'm temping for says great things about me and that I'm doing a really good job. I kinda wonder why, since I've been showing up late with make up smudged from the night before, my eyes still half shut, wrinkled clothes and my locs... well, they're all over the place all the time anyway. But, I suppose it could be true. The one thing I'm good at is getting shit done.
In other awesomeness, check out thepinkdragon. She is one of the sweetest people I know!!
Okay, bye!!
Thank you Tori!
baker baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder what's in a day
what's in your cake this time
i guess you heard he's gone to l.a.
he says that behind my eyes i'm hiding
and he tells me i pushed him away
that my heart's been hard to find
there must be something here
there must be something here
baker baker can you explain
if truly his heart was made of icing
and i wonder how mine could taste
maybe we could change his mind
i know you're late for your next parade
you came to make sure that i'm not running
well i ran from him in all kinds of ways
guess it was his turn this time
thought i'd make friends with time
thought we'd be flying
maybe not this time
baker baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder if he's ok
if you see him say hi
Oooh!! I went streaking through the park last night for the first time (since I was a kidlet, anyway). SO much fun! I recommend it to everyone!!! It was so freeing to run in nothing but socks and tennies at 3 a.m.
I don't work tonight, which means I get to catch up on paperwork, clean my room, then treat myself to some sushi, wine and a nice soak in the tub. Ahhhh... sweetsweet relaxation!!
I talked to Dave_h today!! I want to go out dancing with him tonight. I never got to know him that well, but I realized I missed him. I don't think I'll make it. I wish there were some way that I could require less sleep or make more hours to the day or both or something. There are so many awesome things to see and do!!
Like this. The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets. Starts running at the end of this month. I'm going I'm going I'm going!! Anything that involves William S. Burroughs, I'm there!!
One of my friends called and left me a message saying you can buy wine in a can in Japan. I'm such a wino! Now I hasta go to Japan. =)
I met Johnny Love last night. He has his own line of Vodka. I got to try some. The best! He sayed he'll let me know when it gets picked up for wider distro. Then I think it'll be time to have a Johnny Love Vodka paaaaaaarteeeeeee!!!!
I also met a drummer last night. I looooove drummers. They are the most!!!
I met someone to explore New Orleans with me! He's never been either, so it shall be a blast!
Also, found a better deal for my trip to Seattle if I get airfare + hotel together. Mucho Awesomeness! Yes!
Talked to my old department supervisor today. She said the department I'm temping for says great things about me and that I'm doing a really good job. I kinda wonder why, since I've been showing up late with make up smudged from the night before, my eyes still half shut, wrinkled clothes and my locs... well, they're all over the place all the time anyway. But, I suppose it could be true. The one thing I'm good at is getting shit done.
In other awesomeness, check out thepinkdragon. She is one of the sweetest people I know!!
Okay, bye!!
Thank you Tori!
baker baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder what's in a day
what's in your cake this time
i guess you heard he's gone to l.a.
he says that behind my eyes i'm hiding
and he tells me i pushed him away
that my heart's been hard to find
there must be something here
there must be something here
baker baker can you explain
if truly his heart was made of icing
and i wonder how mine could taste
maybe we could change his mind
i know you're late for your next parade
you came to make sure that i'm not running
well i ran from him in all kinds of ways
guess it was his turn this time
thought i'd make friends with time
thought we'd be flying
maybe not this time
baker baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder if he's ok
if you see him say hi
Maybe you should check out the Giant Robot store also!
622 Shrader St and don't you be blaming me if you go broke either!