God sometimes you just don't come through
Do you need a woman to look after you?
I looooooove strutting around bare ass nekkid, dragging my feet in 7 inch heels.
Work was rough last night. I have carpet burn from crawling around naked.
I am sooooooo very tired. I'm glad I only had to go to one job today. I treated myself to some thai food and beer and then a nice steamy hot bath with some Tori Amos. It would've been more relaxing if Tiger-Liger hadn't insisted on screaming outside the bathroom door. Then when I finally let him in he crouched at the side of the tub and batted at my bubbles the entire time.
I love Tori. Her songs have been some of my closest friends since I was 12 years old.
When I was breaking up with my ex-fiance I would lock myself in the bathroom and put Northern Lad on repeat while I soaked in the tub.
girls you've got to know
when it's time to turn the page
when you're only wet because of the rain
Anyway, it's not even 8 p.m. yet, but I'm dead ass tired. I have no engagements tonight, which means I be free to sleep!
Do you need a woman to look after you?
I looooooove strutting around bare ass nekkid, dragging my feet in 7 inch heels.
Work was rough last night. I have carpet burn from crawling around naked.
I am sooooooo very tired. I'm glad I only had to go to one job today. I treated myself to some thai food and beer and then a nice steamy hot bath with some Tori Amos. It would've been more relaxing if Tiger-Liger hadn't insisted on screaming outside the bathroom door. Then when I finally let him in he crouched at the side of the tub and batted at my bubbles the entire time.
I love Tori. Her songs have been some of my closest friends since I was 12 years old.
When I was breaking up with my ex-fiance I would lock myself in the bathroom and put Northern Lad on repeat while I soaked in the tub.
girls you've got to know
when it's time to turn the page
when you're only wet because of the rain
Anyway, it's not even 8 p.m. yet, but I'm dead ass tired. I have no engagements tonight, which means I be free to sleep!

I can't come see you this weekend; I'll be in San Diego until next Thursday. So give my love to the naked girl enthusiasts, and I'll give you a call when I'm back in the city.
You suck!!!!