Today was a fucking long ass damned day. Whew!
Only I won't say no to a party and stay out til 2 a.m. when I know I have to be up and out at 6 a.m.
You can leave it completely up to me to fall down like a drunk when I'm not drunk. I managed to trip and fall backwards over a table, drag down miffy on top of me and spill a glass of tequila in my eyes - all at once. After only two beers. See where sober gets me?
Housemate Scott is drunk as all hell right now, leaning out the bathroom window of our flat, knocking on my bedroom window and yowling about how hilarious it all is.
Went to Marine World today with my sister, brother and mother. My brother and mother are both sissies! Went on not one single ride those two. Sister and I went on a few rides but mostly hung out with the animals. I watched a Tiger spray this chick right in the face.
She was whining, "I just got PISSED on!!!" ROTFLMAO. I mocked her to her face and said, "There's a sign right there that says, "You may get wet or sprayed". And I laaaaaaaaughed some more. I didn't get to pet any Tigers. Only birds and butterflies.
After Marine World I went to Stockton and saw TheAbiYoYo's band play. He is awesome! His band was great. He has so much energy.. I hope they play in The City soon. I hadn't been to a show like that in a long while. It was the perfect excuse to go back to Stockton for a few hours.
At the show I ran into my friend, Middagh, who is running for President. I also picked up a copy of Rant Magazine featuring SG Snow on the cover and an interview with Missy.
Uhhhh... I was so sleepy on the ride back home and slept most of the trip. I'm guessing that's a good thing because housemate Vinnie just got in with his crew and a case of tall boys. So, the party is just getting started at my spot. He walks in, knocks on my door and says, "Hey, you drunk yet? No? C'mon."
So, that's what I'm fixin' to go do.
Thanks to TheAbiyoyo for letting me hitch in his ride back to San Francisco. He is the ultimate sweetest!
edit// 3:30 a.m. we have aquired the neighbors. DANCE PARRRRRRRRTAAAAAAAAY!!!
Only I won't say no to a party and stay out til 2 a.m. when I know I have to be up and out at 6 a.m.
You can leave it completely up to me to fall down like a drunk when I'm not drunk. I managed to trip and fall backwards over a table, drag down miffy on top of me and spill a glass of tequila in my eyes - all at once. After only two beers. See where sober gets me?

Housemate Scott is drunk as all hell right now, leaning out the bathroom window of our flat, knocking on my bedroom window and yowling about how hilarious it all is.
Went to Marine World today with my sister, brother and mother. My brother and mother are both sissies! Went on not one single ride those two. Sister and I went on a few rides but mostly hung out with the animals. I watched a Tiger spray this chick right in the face.

After Marine World I went to Stockton and saw TheAbiYoYo's band play. He is awesome! His band was great. He has so much energy.. I hope they play in The City soon. I hadn't been to a show like that in a long while. It was the perfect excuse to go back to Stockton for a few hours.
At the show I ran into my friend, Middagh, who is running for President. I also picked up a copy of Rant Magazine featuring SG Snow on the cover and an interview with Missy.
Uhhhh... I was so sleepy on the ride back home and slept most of the trip. I'm guessing that's a good thing because housemate Vinnie just got in with his crew and a case of tall boys. So, the party is just getting started at my spot. He walks in, knocks on my door and says, "Hey, you drunk yet? No? C'mon."
So, that's what I'm fixin' to go do.
Thanks to TheAbiyoyo for letting me hitch in his ride back to San Francisco. He is the ultimate sweetest!

edit// 3:30 a.m. we have aquired the neighbors. DANCE PARRRRRRRRTAAAAAAAAY!!!

That sounds great. I haven't been keeping up with events lately....but I'll try to. I've been busy. If it's and event that's on the weekend and it's in sfo...i'll look into it...I'll try to peek into the group more...i've been bad about it.

you may have to see napoleon dynamite again, they are adding new footage to the film.