So, how was everyone's 4th? Or.. Cinco de Julio?? (thanks Nofi, lol).
Mine started out just dandy and sunny, then it went a bit sour and just got to the point where I ended up drinking myself into a stumbling stupor with a bottle of 100 proof hooch so I could go to sleep and get the day over with already.
My friend Kevin called me from New York this morning. He only left two weeks ago, but it was cool to chat with him. He was checkin' in on me like, "What boys you chasin' now?" LOL. Told him I'm giving it up for my little buzzbuzz.
He's a writer/photographer/musician doing an internship at some magazine. I told him I'll check him out when I'm in NY next month. See how he's living. He's hilarious. Very frank. Most people think he's an asshole. I appreciate him. No bullshit. No excuses. A rariety in my experience.
Anyway, you know what? I saw Spiderman 2. Last week, I think. I'd completely forgotten. That's not the type of fare I usually pay to see.. but when I was on Maui, one Hapa boy took me to the first one when I was getting island fever. So, when it opened here, I wanted to go see it. I took an aquaintance who I thought would enjoy it because I'd have felt absolutely ridiculous going into a screening of that on my own. I enjoyed it, though. Nothing really memorable. Lame dialogue. Pukey smootch scenes. Cool action sequences though. And Toby Mcguire. Yum! That second skin costume is tootoo much!
By the time the movie was over, I'd already forgotten most of it. The guy I went with was asking me what my favorite scene was and I was like, "Uhhhh..." lol. I may as well have just watched the trailer for as much as I could recall.
My brother and I like the same kind of movies. Like Donnie Darko. Director's cut is being released in theatres. YES! My brother and I could watch that movie overandoverandover and discuss time travel for hours afterwards. I like movies with a whatthefuck factor. Like, Naked Lunch, or Ken Park.. Cremaster Cycle 3.. my brain is just screaming, "WHATTHEFUCK are you watching??!!!???" lol.
I even liked The Blair Witch project. But, not until around two weeks after seeing it. After the movie I shrugged like, "Eh. It was okay." Then two weeks later I was in the shower and I thought of it and got so scared. I was living with my fiance at the time and I wouldn't take a shower or go to bed without him. He was like, "What the hell is the matter with you?" I felt so lame telling him that I was spooked by that movie. When it came out on video he bought and watched it with me. After the closing credits, he told me it was one of the scariest movies he'd ever seen. Still not sure if he was joshin me or not.
I never got scared by scary movies as a kid. I don't know why they freak me out as an adult. Like, The Ring. I still have not seen that movie. My sister and I tried to watch it once. We didn't even get 20 minutes into it before we were both sitting there with our hands over our eyes screaming, "Turnitoff! TURNITOFF!!!", reaching blindly for the VCR's power button. It was so silly, we couldn't stop laughing at ourselves. But, neither of us would turn it back on.
Speaking of Sis, I should be off to visit her right now.
Mine started out just dandy and sunny, then it went a bit sour and just got to the point where I ended up drinking myself into a stumbling stupor with a bottle of 100 proof hooch so I could go to sleep and get the day over with already.

My friend Kevin called me from New York this morning. He only left two weeks ago, but it was cool to chat with him. He was checkin' in on me like, "What boys you chasin' now?" LOL. Told him I'm giving it up for my little buzzbuzz.

Anyway, you know what? I saw Spiderman 2. Last week, I think. I'd completely forgotten. That's not the type of fare I usually pay to see.. but when I was on Maui, one Hapa boy took me to the first one when I was getting island fever. So, when it opened here, I wanted to go see it. I took an aquaintance who I thought would enjoy it because I'd have felt absolutely ridiculous going into a screening of that on my own. I enjoyed it, though. Nothing really memorable. Lame dialogue. Pukey smootch scenes. Cool action sequences though. And Toby Mcguire. Yum! That second skin costume is tootoo much!
By the time the movie was over, I'd already forgotten most of it. The guy I went with was asking me what my favorite scene was and I was like, "Uhhhh..." lol. I may as well have just watched the trailer for as much as I could recall.

My brother and I like the same kind of movies. Like Donnie Darko. Director's cut is being released in theatres. YES! My brother and I could watch that movie overandoverandover and discuss time travel for hours afterwards. I like movies with a whatthefuck factor. Like, Naked Lunch, or Ken Park.. Cremaster Cycle 3.. my brain is just screaming, "WHATTHEFUCK are you watching??!!!???" lol.
I even liked The Blair Witch project. But, not until around two weeks after seeing it. After the movie I shrugged like, "Eh. It was okay." Then two weeks later I was in the shower and I thought of it and got so scared. I was living with my fiance at the time and I wouldn't take a shower or go to bed without him. He was like, "What the hell is the matter with you?" I felt so lame telling him that I was spooked by that movie. When it came out on video he bought and watched it with me. After the closing credits, he told me it was one of the scariest movies he'd ever seen. Still not sure if he was joshin me or not.
I never got scared by scary movies as a kid. I don't know why they freak me out as an adult. Like, The Ring. I still have not seen that movie. My sister and I tried to watch it once. We didn't even get 20 minutes into it before we were both sitting there with our hands over our eyes screaming, "Turnitoff! TURNITOFF!!!", reaching blindly for the VCR's power button. It was so silly, we couldn't stop laughing at ourselves. But, neither of us would turn it back on.

Speaking of Sis, I should be off to visit her right now.
I wasnt scared until you mentioned the ring, then i realized my window was open and i just turned around to close it cause I remembered that horrible movie and got shivers again.
still recovering