Vinnie's birthday party last night was fab! Oh, man oh man did I get wasted. It was a theme party: Cinema of The Ages. There was Mia Wallace, Dirk Diggler, Todd Parker.. a carpenter? Other obscure characters.. or maybe just people not in costume. One of my housemates reasoned that I didn't have to be in costume because I'm Sita Suicide and I'm naked on the internet so that kinda counts as cinema. Worked for me!
After a few beers and jager shots, I was completely retarded by 11:30 p.m. I found myself in the neighbor's flat sliding down the carpeted staircase on my rump with a slinky in tow, waving my arm around hollering as if I were riding a mechanical bull in Tijuana. By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs I had rug burn on the back of my calves.
I got progressively worse the later the night went on.
I recall being obnoxiously half naked most of the time and at one point wandering around with forks dangling from my nipple rings.
My friends Christine and Peeches made it out for the party from Treasure Island. It was awesome to see them! The gave me gossip on people I used to know. Apparently my old friend Flat is finally out of the Navy and living in San Jose. I miss that guy! I always had so much fun with him.. he always had me laughing with his Mystery Science Theateresque running commentary on things. I could just be my weird crazy self around him, and I never felt like he was laughing at me- even if he was. Johnny Ray is out of prison again and Flavor Dave is doing all right, too. Void is about the only one of those guys I keep in sporadic touch with.
When I was in school, those guys were just.... I don't know how to say- they were their own clique, I guess. Even though they never acted cliquish. I suppose they were a little intimidating if you didn't know them. Other kids called them the Dead Skins. lol. Because they all wore these leather jackets with custom artwork by Flavor Dave. Motorcycle jackets or long flowing trench coats and they ran together. I have no idea how I came to hang out with them, but I remember how other boys wanted to be like them. They'd buy leather jackets and try to do artwork like Flavor's. It was really cute.
Anyway, I hope to see them again soon.
I spent most of today drawing. More specifically, I spent most of today drawing a box. Overandoverandoverandover again. LOL. I swear I drew that damned thing 20 times. Miss Chile walked in and says, "Wow! You are really working on that!" She's happy with me when I'm exploring my creativity. I'm trying to get a grasp on working with shadow and light. I haven't drawn since I was maybe 10 or 11 years old. And even then I was just drawing X-Men or Ninja Turtles and my own little comics.
Miss Chile finally got her darkroom equipment today. She has a spare camera and is going to show me how to use it so we can make pictures together. I'm excited. I've never worked with a manual camera before or developed pictures.
I need to take a nap. I have no idea why I'm functioning right now. I drank soooo much last night. Beer, jager, whiskey, beerbeerbeer, vodka and more beer. I passed out around 5 a.m. and got up at 11.
I have to gear up early tomorrow for the parade. Float decorating at 8a.m.! I hope I got the party out of my system last night.
After a few beers and jager shots, I was completely retarded by 11:30 p.m. I found myself in the neighbor's flat sliding down the carpeted staircase on my rump with a slinky in tow, waving my arm around hollering as if I were riding a mechanical bull in Tijuana. By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs I had rug burn on the back of my calves.

My friends Christine and Peeches made it out for the party from Treasure Island. It was awesome to see them! The gave me gossip on people I used to know. Apparently my old friend Flat is finally out of the Navy and living in San Jose. I miss that guy! I always had so much fun with him.. he always had me laughing with his Mystery Science Theateresque running commentary on things. I could just be my weird crazy self around him, and I never felt like he was laughing at me- even if he was. Johnny Ray is out of prison again and Flavor Dave is doing all right, too. Void is about the only one of those guys I keep in sporadic touch with.
When I was in school, those guys were just.... I don't know how to say- they were their own clique, I guess. Even though they never acted cliquish. I suppose they were a little intimidating if you didn't know them. Other kids called them the Dead Skins. lol. Because they all wore these leather jackets with custom artwork by Flavor Dave. Motorcycle jackets or long flowing trench coats and they ran together. I have no idea how I came to hang out with them, but I remember how other boys wanted to be like them. They'd buy leather jackets and try to do artwork like Flavor's. It was really cute.
Anyway, I hope to see them again soon.
I spent most of today drawing. More specifically, I spent most of today drawing a box. Overandoverandoverandover again. LOL. I swear I drew that damned thing 20 times. Miss Chile walked in and says, "Wow! You are really working on that!" She's happy with me when I'm exploring my creativity. I'm trying to get a grasp on working with shadow and light. I haven't drawn since I was maybe 10 or 11 years old. And even then I was just drawing X-Men or Ninja Turtles and my own little comics.
Miss Chile finally got her darkroom equipment today. She has a spare camera and is going to show me how to use it so we can make pictures together. I'm excited. I've never worked with a manual camera before or developed pictures.
I need to take a nap. I have no idea why I'm functioning right now. I drank soooo much last night. Beer, jager, whiskey, beerbeerbeer, vodka and more beer. I passed out around 5 a.m. and got up at 11.
I have to gear up early tomorrow for the parade. Float decorating at 8a.m.! I hope I got the party out of my system last night.

Keep Creating!