I am totally totally missing that boy.
Ugh. Went out tonight to a suck ass bar with Ms. Chile. Opted to just drag our asses back home and drink beer. Plus, all I seemed to be drawing were drunk guys from Boston who kept breathing on me. Ick!!
Earlier was good. Went to the lovely Tina's gallery and checked out her exhibit. It was nice to finally get to chat with her. She's so beautiful!! And it was so inspiring... Ms. Chile and I were just babbling with ideas afterwards. Very good....
We've talked about going to New York next month- for the weekend. Heh. And possibly doing Vegas in August. I think that'd be awesome for me. I love to travel and I don't do it enough.
I felt so much better this morning. I got up and forced myself to write... just get it all onto the page and out of my head. I managed to have a nice day at work.
I got stuck doing some shit project for a Sales Assistant, but I didn't mind. It made the day go faster. And just think, if I get the job as Sales Assistant that I interviewed for - that type of shit will be my norm!! Yay!! < /sarcasm >
My tummy feels sick. I think I've been drinking too much lately. And all this mixing of the alcohol that I do. I usually always drink whatever I like and rarely have a problem as long as I pace myself. But these days of waking up on the verge of dry heaving... not so good.
I wonder when my boy housemates will be home. They never fail to entertain... and it really is so nice to have a couple guys on my side for once. I can talk to them about most anything. And since we all live together, we have a no boffing rule. There is none of that weird sexual tension whatsoever. Very cool. Whenever I have a question about something a boy has said or done to me - and I understand not every boy is just the same, but it's still nice to have another perspective - they give me honest, no holds barred feedback. "Fuck that guy", or, "He's totally blowing you off", or, "That's fucking classic. That's so fucking ridiculous.. even I don't understand that one." LOL.
Anyway... some boy just came in. Not one of the housemates, but he shall entertain nonetheless.
Ugh. Went out tonight to a suck ass bar with Ms. Chile. Opted to just drag our asses back home and drink beer. Plus, all I seemed to be drawing were drunk guys from Boston who kept breathing on me. Ick!!
Earlier was good. Went to the lovely Tina's gallery and checked out her exhibit. It was nice to finally get to chat with her. She's so beautiful!! And it was so inspiring... Ms. Chile and I were just babbling with ideas afterwards. Very good....
We've talked about going to New York next month- for the weekend. Heh. And possibly doing Vegas in August. I think that'd be awesome for me. I love to travel and I don't do it enough.
I felt so much better this morning. I got up and forced myself to write... just get it all onto the page and out of my head. I managed to have a nice day at work.

My tummy feels sick. I think I've been drinking too much lately. And all this mixing of the alcohol that I do. I usually always drink whatever I like and rarely have a problem as long as I pace myself. But these days of waking up on the verge of dry heaving... not so good.
I wonder when my boy housemates will be home. They never fail to entertain... and it really is so nice to have a couple guys on my side for once. I can talk to them about most anything. And since we all live together, we have a no boffing rule. There is none of that weird sexual tension whatsoever. Very cool. Whenever I have a question about something a boy has said or done to me - and I understand not every boy is just the same, but it's still nice to have another perspective - they give me honest, no holds barred feedback. "Fuck that guy", or, "He's totally blowing you off", or, "That's fucking classic. That's so fucking ridiculous.. even I don't understand that one." LOL.

Anyway... some boy just came in. Not one of the housemates, but he shall entertain nonetheless.

Thank you so much for coming by last night. It was really awesome talking with you. You should come out tonight to Edinburgh Castle if you're up for it.
Nice to see you yesterday!