I don't ever wanna drink as much as I did Saturday night. Wine. Beer. Tequila. Vodka. Jack Daniels. I'm suprised I didn't get sick. But I had the worst tummy ache all Sunday.
Work was good today. I interviewed for a Sales Assistant position. I think I had them mildy impressed. I interviewed with a trainer, then an Ad Exec and the department Sup. So.. we'll see. I think it really depends on who is in charge of making the final decision.
Tonight Ms. Chile and I are making spaghetti with meat sauce using some of the organic hamburger I got from Planet Organics. I loooooove that place. Every Monday, SURPRISE!! Crates of organic fruit, veggies and meats. Reasonably priced, too! My housemates tease me for having my groceries delivered.. but whatever.
I just remembered that The Crusty Demons Global Assault Tour is at the Oakland Arena right off the BART station. I can take myself! I'm so excited!! I'm getting chills just thinking about the sound of those bikes and watching 'em fly through the air.
Ms Chile is so cute. She told me she doesn't like my job because I have to work too much. I agree with her on that.. it is kinda suck that the only thing I really like about my job is the pay - and that's not all that great either. She tends bar three days a week and probably does as well as me. I wish I could go back to that... the pay was just too volatile for me, tho.. and I worked at a shitty bar, too. ::sigh:: Ah, well. We'd like to be able to do more things together tho. Like go snowboarding.. go to New York.... I need to figure away around the 9-5 before it gets too late.
Speaking of, the Union is talking about cutting our bi-yearly 3% pay increases and something about fucking with our medical and dental benefits. Hmmm.... I was just getting comfy and it might be time to move.
Well, off for spaghetti and wine!
Work was good today. I interviewed for a Sales Assistant position. I think I had them mildy impressed. I interviewed with a trainer, then an Ad Exec and the department Sup. So.. we'll see. I think it really depends on who is in charge of making the final decision.
Tonight Ms. Chile and I are making spaghetti with meat sauce using some of the organic hamburger I got from Planet Organics. I loooooove that place. Every Monday, SURPRISE!! Crates of organic fruit, veggies and meats. Reasonably priced, too! My housemates tease me for having my groceries delivered.. but whatever.
I just remembered that The Crusty Demons Global Assault Tour is at the Oakland Arena right off the BART station. I can take myself! I'm so excited!! I'm getting chills just thinking about the sound of those bikes and watching 'em fly through the air.
Ms Chile is so cute. She told me she doesn't like my job because I have to work too much. I agree with her on that.. it is kinda suck that the only thing I really like about my job is the pay - and that's not all that great either. She tends bar three days a week and probably does as well as me. I wish I could go back to that... the pay was just too volatile for me, tho.. and I worked at a shitty bar, too. ::sigh:: Ah, well. We'd like to be able to do more things together tho. Like go snowboarding.. go to New York.... I need to figure away around the 9-5 before it gets too late.
Speaking of, the Union is talking about cutting our bi-yearly 3% pay increases and something about fucking with our medical and dental benefits. Hmmm.... I was just getting comfy and it might be time to move.
Well, off for spaghetti and wine!

A little insulation never hurts.
And what's with the booze mixin'??