I finally got my internet back! So I suppose I should update.
Hmmmm... what have I been up to? Oh! I got to go play Karaoke! I hadn't done that in a couple years and forgot how much fun it is. Must find time to do it some more.
Uhh... I started my job at the movie theatre and then got a full-time offer at my day job. So, I quit schlepping popcorn and proceeded to do a happy dance. I'm finally starting to appreciate having a 9-5 rather than a 7a.m. to 11a.m. then a 6p.m. - 11:30.
Tori finally came out with a live performance DVD and I was stoked to find a theatre hosting a screening of it. She's amazing! Absolutely brought me to tears to see her on the big screen. Positively took my breath away. Hopefully she tours again next year.
I'm finally getting settled into my new place with my new housemates. Trying to find my groove again. I scheduled another piano lesson and am still trying to convince myself to get back in the gym. The longer I slack off the harder it'll be.
Not much else has been going on. But, I have decided that I must have a hot pink motor scooter and a belly like Britney Spears - before summer ends!

Hmmmm... what have I been up to? Oh! I got to go play Karaoke! I hadn't done that in a couple years and forgot how much fun it is. Must find time to do it some more.
Uhh... I started my job at the movie theatre and then got a full-time offer at my day job. So, I quit schlepping popcorn and proceeded to do a happy dance. I'm finally starting to appreciate having a 9-5 rather than a 7a.m. to 11a.m. then a 6p.m. - 11:30.
Tori finally came out with a live performance DVD and I was stoked to find a theatre hosting a screening of it. She's amazing! Absolutely brought me to tears to see her on the big screen. Positively took my breath away. Hopefully she tours again next year.
I'm finally getting settled into my new place with my new housemates. Trying to find my groove again. I scheduled another piano lesson and am still trying to convince myself to get back in the gym. The longer I slack off the harder it'll be.
Not much else has been going on. But, I have decided that I must have a hot pink motor scooter and a belly like Britney Spears - before summer ends!

9-5 is nice... however, I imagine a theater job would be fun as hell. I love the movies
After reading you recent journal entry, why do you think that you need to go back to the gym..? You're HOTTER than the SUN!!!!