I spent last night hanging out in the hospital emergency. They still don't know exactly what's wrong with me but at least I know a whole bunch of things it's not. 
Coming up on the final recital weekend. It's going to be bananas. Hopefully my pain will bugger off or it will be a painkiller and dance weekend. Sounds like fun no?
I had to turn the heat back on.
Another FAIL!
Becoming a hermit sounds really good about now. :-)

Coming up on the final recital weekend. It's going to be bananas. Hopefully my pain will bugger off or it will be a painkiller and dance weekend. Sounds like fun no?
I had to turn the heat back on.
Another FAIL!
Becoming a hermit sounds really good about now. :-)
What kind of pain have you been having? What happened to end you up in the hospital anyhow? Hmmmm ...