its been a very long time since i last updated!!!
well its been pretty darn busy, we've had two of our mates staying over due to them being evicted from thier flat nearly a month ago. its been hard getting on the comp too!!!
works been ok , i'm on a extra month probation -till end of this month as i apparently made a spelling error in one of the newsletters oooooppps!!! but all is better now i feel far more comfortable at work and i'm doing alot more stuff too!! and my boss commented i had improved and learning faster too!! and he can be quite hard to please so uber good there!!!
still up the same old same old battling with the lack of cash and christmas!! - made my first sell on ebay too and nice pair of new rocks i bpught last year but never wore as the leather was very tough and blistered the fuck out of my feet not like the other pairs i have where the leather is softer...anyway got 107.00 for them which wasn't at all bad i thought!!!
ohhh was sick too - but i guess all of you have had the evil cold snotty nose cough and headaches too!! its a bastard
anyway i hope every one is well let me know what you're up to !!
have fun and take care
its been a very long time since i last updated!!!
well its been pretty darn busy, we've had two of our mates staying over due to them being evicted from thier flat nearly a month ago. its been hard getting on the comp too!!!
works been ok , i'm on a extra month probation -till end of this month as i apparently made a spelling error in one of the newsletters oooooppps!!! but all is better now i feel far more comfortable at work and i'm doing alot more stuff too!! and my boss commented i had improved and learning faster too!! and he can be quite hard to please so uber good there!!!
still up the same old same old battling with the lack of cash and christmas!! - made my first sell on ebay too and nice pair of new rocks i bpught last year but never wore as the leather was very tough and blistered the fuck out of my feet not like the other pairs i have where the leather is softer...anyway got 107.00 for them which wasn't at all bad i thought!!!
ohhh was sick too - but i guess all of you have had the evil cold snotty nose cough and headaches too!! its a bastard

anyway i hope every one is well let me know what you're up to !!
have fun and take care

GLad things are going pretty good for you.
Avtualy I haven't had the seasonalcold yet.
I hear you about the lack of cash, I ' not working at the moment.