work is going rather well! i have written two articles and several promo pieces! the peeps i work with are nice but really laid back - which was confusing especially on my first day! but now i understand. They all speak either italian or spanish to eachother but try and speak engliah when having a general convosation which is nice - at least i can get involved!
however still not really sure what i'm supposed to be doing, but i guess it'll take a while.
Saw the butterfly effect and contrary to popular beliefs - i rather liked it! OK!! at the moment am loosing sleep over 24 series three, i've only watched four hours and i'm already dreaming about renegade bauer and iminent biochemical terrorist attcks!!
sorted council tax out! - went down to tower hamlet's office with a semi automatic weapon and mercilessly slaughtered the lots of the money grabbing bastards.-in my mind
actually i just called them and they were really nice and understanding and were like "nah don't worry about the court thing, you don't need to go we'll just sort out another payment scheme.." YAY!!
oh and i got my results, spent most of the night crying....probably guess i didn't get what i wanted
have e-mailed my tutor and asked her if there's anything i can do? - and wether or not they took into consideration it took me a YEAR to get tested for dyslexia! due to thir shitty administration - and would they take into account the grades from the first and second years could have been better if i'd got the knowledge and help ...anyway blah blah blah....20.000 in debt only to feel like a fucking looser theres got to be funny side there somewhere....i guess in time i'll see it....
well this did start out positive.
work is going rather well! i have written two articles and several promo pieces! the peeps i work with are nice but really laid back - which was confusing especially on my first day! but now i understand. They all speak either italian or spanish to eachother but try and speak engliah when having a general convosation which is nice - at least i can get involved!
however still not really sure what i'm supposed to be doing, but i guess it'll take a while.
Saw the butterfly effect and contrary to popular beliefs - i rather liked it! OK!! at the moment am loosing sleep over 24 series three, i've only watched four hours and i'm already dreaming about renegade bauer and iminent biochemical terrorist attcks!!
sorted council tax out! - went down to tower hamlet's office with a semi automatic weapon and mercilessly slaughtered the lots of the money grabbing bastards.-in my mind
actually i just called them and they were really nice and understanding and were like "nah don't worry about the court thing, you don't need to go we'll just sort out another payment scheme.." YAY!!
oh and i got my results, spent most of the night crying....probably guess i didn't get what i wanted
have e-mailed my tutor and asked her if there's anything i can do? - and wether or not they took into consideration it took me a YEAR to get tested for dyslexia! due to thir shitty administration - and would they take into account the grades from the first and second years could have been better if i'd got the knowledge and help ...anyway blah blah blah....20.000 in debt only to feel like a fucking looser theres got to be funny side there somewhere....i guess in time i'll see it....
well this did start out positive.
Glad teh rest is going well.
Nice to hear what new.
Hope the job's still going well? Do you think you'll be able to make it out with us lot around Halloween time?