Hope you all had a great christmas and wasn't too much of a stress!!!
Mine was all good and it was nice to see the folks again - bickering in the litchen...ahhhh happy days!! heheheh anyways went back to cambridge yesterday as my brother was visiting my dad.
Can't actually remember the last time I saw him, probably getting to five years now!!!! It was really good to see him and catch up - the past 6 months he's been off traveling around the place, he finished his diving instructors course, sat with gorillas in rowanda, cruised up the nile and went to Jordan not to forget shri lanka, south africa, uganda wow!!! fucking mind blowing!!
if you're interested here's his site detailing his travels with an awsome collection of photos!!!
check out : www.foundrystreet.com
Hard to believe the dudes over 40!!! yes 40, in fact he's 19 years 1 month to the day older than me!
I just hope that by the time i'm his grand old age I will of also seen some of the crazy shit he's seen - apart from squeezing what I think is a spot only to find out i've been a host for a bot fly mmmmmm nice heheheheh - theres pics of that little event also on his website!
Ayways enough! Am looking forward to new years, gonna be in london celebrating - but kinda sad I shan't be in cambridge as christmas eve was fucking hilarious and I miss my mates A LOT!!!
But the company i'll be keeping on this new years will be top class regardless so all is well really!! Speaking of missing people christmas eve wasn't the same without my mate claire - she travelling around the world aswell - hmmm a theme is arising- shes in oz at the moment and loving it!!! I'm glad shes having a good time and hope to do the same myself one day! She'll be enjoying new years in sydney harbour, so I can only imagine that that is going to be pretty special, although her main complain is that she can't find any organised event where you can drink!! Thats my girlll!! hehehe
Anyways hope you all have a great new year!!!!!!
p.s I added some pics to my folder...mostly reflecting a sobre me, which is good! hehehhehhe
Hope you all had a great christmas and wasn't too much of a stress!!!
Mine was all good and it was nice to see the folks again - bickering in the litchen...ahhhh happy days!! heheheh anyways went back to cambridge yesterday as my brother was visiting my dad.
Can't actually remember the last time I saw him, probably getting to five years now!!!! It was really good to see him and catch up - the past 6 months he's been off traveling around the place, he finished his diving instructors course, sat with gorillas in rowanda, cruised up the nile and went to Jordan not to forget shri lanka, south africa, uganda wow!!! fucking mind blowing!!
if you're interested here's his site detailing his travels with an awsome collection of photos!!!
check out : www.foundrystreet.com
Hard to believe the dudes over 40!!! yes 40, in fact he's 19 years 1 month to the day older than me!
I just hope that by the time i'm his grand old age I will of also seen some of the crazy shit he's seen - apart from squeezing what I think is a spot only to find out i've been a host for a bot fly mmmmmm nice heheheheh - theres pics of that little event also on his website!
Ayways enough! Am looking forward to new years, gonna be in london celebrating - but kinda sad I shan't be in cambridge as christmas eve was fucking hilarious and I miss my mates A LOT!!!
But the company i'll be keeping on this new years will be top class regardless so all is well really!! Speaking of missing people christmas eve wasn't the same without my mate claire - she travelling around the world aswell - hmmm a theme is arising- shes in oz at the moment and loving it!!! I'm glad shes having a good time and hope to do the same myself one day! She'll be enjoying new years in sydney harbour, so I can only imagine that that is going to be pretty special, although her main complain is that she can't find any organised event where you can drink!! Thats my girlll!! hehehe
Anyways hope you all have a great new year!!!!!!
p.s I added some pics to my folder...mostly reflecting a sobre me, which is good! hehehhehhe
oh yeh liberty city is the way forward believe me
mmm sounds like everyone you know is traveling at the moment
hope you have a wonderfull newyears in london might even bump into you if we end up at the same place at the same time