working on a computor all day makes me ignore my loverly imac at home...its like i've been cheating on it with a dirty pc...but for money...even worse some may say!
anyways still been going to the dentists i have one more tooth needing to be done!!! woop woop
only two root canal and four fillings later......its taking them ages to settle down which means i've...
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anyways still been going to the dentists i have one more tooth needing to be done!!! woop woop

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just been sent home from work....... i arrived thee after the denstist and they were errr......errrrm theres nothing much you can do today - you might as well go home! bonus but i bet i have to take it as a sick day or holliday i'd rather not tho but my boss said he'd sort it out....i can't be bothered to worry about it now...
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Nemi rocks!
Thanks about the piccy!
Hope you're doing well!

Thanks about the piccy!
Hope you're doing well!

.......AAAAAHHHHHH, but what toppings though????
well finally a minuite to myself!! its been hectic - thats all i can say!!!
works finally getting back to far as normal goes. however i've had to take two and a half days holiday already to go to the dentist!!!
since when is going to the dentist a fucking holiday - its not fun
- the bastard tooth in question started hurting the...
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works finally getting back to far as normal goes. however i've had to take two and a half days holiday already to go to the dentist!!!
since when is going to the dentist a fucking holiday - its not fun

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ow. dentists hurt. they do. so do doctors and surgeons...nurse are ok. I try to stick with them.

Argh teeth things poor you.
I dread the thought of ever having to get the same done to me.
Glad you've survived it so far!

well doesn't going back to work suck major cockage!!!!!!
shall update again soon, annoyingly enough can't acess sg from work as they've put some ghay childlock on the comp incase we start downloading shit! nobs!!
anywauys had a good xmas and new year shall describe in further detail later!!
hope you all had fun this festive period and i'll chat to you all soon!!
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shall update again soon, annoyingly enough can't acess sg from work as they've put some ghay childlock on the comp incase we start downloading shit! nobs!!
anywauys had a good xmas and new year shall describe in further detail later!!
hope you all had fun this festive period and i'll chat to you all soon!!
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"chips,dips.....candlewax on the nipples?" is that Weird Science ref?
Don't know why I dislike them so much, possibly because they're so huge and furry; they look alive! adam73 on here has a similar reaction to them as well, so it might be a male thing.
Returning to work after many days off on the booze is bad. I feel like I need to sleep for a week.
Glad to hear your own new year and christmas were good
Returning to work after many days off on the booze is bad. I feel like I need to sleep for a week.
Glad to hear your own new year and christmas were good

its been a very long time since i last updated!!!
well its been pretty darn busy, we've had two of our mates staying over due to them being evicted from thier flat nearly a month ago. its been hard getting on the comp too!!!
works been ok , i'm on a extra month probation -till end of this month as i apparently made a...
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its been a very long time since i last updated!!!
well its been pretty darn busy, we've had two of our mates staying over due to them being evicted from thier flat nearly a month ago. its been hard getting on the comp too!!!
works been ok , i'm on a extra month probation -till end of this month as i apparently made a...
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Hello, Long time , no hear.
GLad things are going pretty good for you.
Avtualy I haven't had the seasonalcold yet.
I hear you about the lack of cash, I ' not working at the moment.
GLad things are going pretty good for you.
Avtualy I haven't had the seasonalcold yet.
I hear you about the lack of cash, I ' not working at the moment.
Fesitive felicitations and a happy new year!
have spent far too much time watching re-runs of eerie indiana!!
works not too bad, but they've put me on a extra months probation! - i didn't even know i was on probation!! anyways it doesn't matter!.
had my graduation on wed!!! he he he he was a laugh and no i didn't trip over - sadly no one did!! i haven't seen the pics...
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works not too bad, but they've put me on a extra months probation! - i didn't even know i was on probation!! anyways it doesn't matter!.
had my graduation on wed!!! he he he he was a laugh and no i didn't trip over - sadly no one did!! i haven't seen the pics...
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Hello, hello, is there anybody in there?

ello there, hows you been keeping then?

ha harrr i knew it would be too good to be true..........i said to joe "god its like november and i have not been ill yet......."
famous last words
was ill all weekend, and now today had to take a day off will probably have to do tthe same tommorrow hopefully get down the doctors so he can tell me my eyes not wrong...
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famous last words

was ill all weekend, and now today had to take a day off will probably have to do tthe same tommorrow hopefully get down the doctors so he can tell me my eyes not wrong...
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Arr me beauty!
Hope you're feeling a bit better today? Cabin fever? Wot no computers games or DVDs to keep you amused? Sounds like you need someone to pamper you...

Hope you're feeling a bit better today? Cabin fever? Wot no computers games or DVDs to keep you amused? Sounds like you need someone to pamper you...

So, feeling better yet? Hope so *fingers xssed* 

fuckin' 'ell its been a while!
had a shit day yesterday but a good day today. isn't that aleays the way though . i predict i'll have a mediocre day tomorrow and a shit day thurs and maybe a good day fri, but i guess i'll have to wait and see!
works been fine , was really busy today but still found the time to...
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had a shit day yesterday but a good day today. isn't that aleays the way though . i predict i'll have a mediocre day tomorrow and a shit day thurs and maybe a good day fri, but i guess i'll have to wait and see!
works been fine , was really busy today but still found the time to...
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Oh, and yaaaaay for new piccies of you! 

Hey, about bloody time too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liking the new pics too.
Need more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liking the new pics too.
Need more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more random shit and lego!
yay! its halloween!!!!
well not been up to much ohter than playing San Andreas, my god time flies when you're pretending to be a buff black man in the ghetto, trying to earn back some respect from the homies!! and bursting a blood vessle eveytime a fucking taxi gets in my way when i'm running away from the po-lice!!
the sound track to...
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yay! its halloween!!!!
well not been up to much ohter than playing San Andreas, my god time flies when you're pretending to be a buff black man in the ghetto, trying to earn back some respect from the homies!! and bursting a blood vessle eveytime a fucking taxi gets in my way when i'm running away from the po-lice!!
the sound track to...
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I've never been interested or attracted to the GTA games, but now everywhere i look, everyone is playing and raving about San Andreas. I must be the only gamer in the world that hasn't got it ! So tell me, what exactly am i missing out on?
Actually, i'm considering selling my PS2, Xbox, and GC (plus the hundreds of games) as i haven't even switched the damn things on since i discovered Battlefield 1942 and the Desert Combat mod for it on the PC a few months ago. I've turned into a right warmongering bugger, and 110% of my free time seems to involve fragging nazis and iraqis
. I've turned into such a saddo online gamer aswell, that i've been pestered to join a BF1942 DC clan, due to my impressive kill ratio
. The cool thing i found out after joining them, is that out of 30+ members, 2 of them are girls
. How bizarre is that? Yaaaay for girlie gamers
. Especially ones that are into a spot of mindless bloodshed
Hope the eye is gradually getting better, and you can see ok to kill them baddies in GTA SA !!!
[Edited on Oct 31, 2004 10:28PM]

Actually, i'm considering selling my PS2, Xbox, and GC (plus the hundreds of games) as i haven't even switched the damn things on since i discovered Battlefield 1942 and the Desert Combat mod for it on the PC a few months ago. I've turned into a right warmongering bugger, and 110% of my free time seems to involve fragging nazis and iraqis

Hope the eye is gradually getting better, and you can see ok to kill them baddies in GTA SA !!!

[Edited on Oct 31, 2004 10:28PM]
You really don't know me too well do you.
Remember in Chemistry, where they showed you what happens when sodium is added to water. Just think of that as being when I talk to ladies.
Nice thought.
Remember in Chemistry, where they showed you what happens when sodium is added to water. Just think of that as being when I talk to ladies.
Nice thought.

hmmmmmmmm i wanna change my sounds quite boring!!??
i can't think of anything good,...
trauma again.......the toilet is blocked, not even a little bit but totally fucked! - spent the majority of last night with my arm up the u bend my skin slowly melting with the insane amount of bleech that had been poured down there previous!
the waters clear by the...
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trauma again.......the toilet is blocked, not even a little bit but totally fucked! - spent the majority of last night with my arm up the u bend my skin slowly melting with the insane amount of bleech that had been poured down there previous!

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himm Sexual dounghnuts?
Now that could be interesting.
I'm sure you can find ones with out wheet somewhere, though they won't be a good as those.
I know what troubles with your place can be like. Last place I had The kitchen ended up a mess when the hotwater tanks on both the appartments above me busted.
That wsan't pretty.
Hope you get it all worked out.

Now that could be interesting.
I'm sure you can find ones with out wheet somewhere, though they won't be a good as those.
I know what troubles with your place can be like. Last place I had The kitchen ended up a mess when the hotwater tanks on both the appartments above me busted.

That wsan't pretty.
Hope you get it all worked out.
hello, i saw machinehead listed in your fav bands. im bored and thought you might wanna know i tattooed dave, the drummer and take the guys out to the strip clubs when they come to town. really cool guys.
dont let the toilet get the best of ya.
dont let the toilet get the best of ya.
well what a busy few days!
works been good, had a meeting yesturday where in my office we all sat around and described our jobs to eachother -which was good as i had no clue what the otherside of the room did till then!
been mostly writng about fucking tombraider and lara feckin vcroft and i'm sick of it! - we're launching a new game...
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works been good, had a meeting yesturday where in my office we all sat around and described our jobs to eachother -which was good as i had no clue what the otherside of the room did till then!
been mostly writng about fucking tombraider and lara feckin vcroft and i'm sick of it! - we're launching a new game...
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The monkey pic has been my on/off profile for years now
I wanted to be Monkey when I was a sprog, the idea of cloud surfing and hitting demons with a stick was most appealing. Alas the closest I got to it was wacking a chap called Ashley around the noggin with a small branch in the playground when I was six. He was Pigsey.
A 4 budget is not good. That means a super noodle diet til payday! 400,000 however would mean a shitload of super noodles, hang on, no I'm sure I would spend it on other things. Probably a mixture of pressies, booze, cd's, dvd's and books. And a house. Or something like that. How are you healing up?

A 4 budget is not good. That means a super noodle diet til payday! 400,000 however would mean a shitload of super noodles, hang on, no I'm sure I would spend it on other things. Probably a mixture of pressies, booze, cd's, dvd's and books. And a house. Or something like that. How are you healing up?

Glad to hear you're still alive, if only just! You on the mend, or do you have many more days of lying in bed ahead of you?
(I was worried that the silence meant that you'd been fired and that it was all my fault or summat, phew)