My son Baby Dog, aka Edwood Scisscor-claws

me posing as a japanese rock star....

me feeling like I live on the moon

my pre-nails days, when I wasn't allowed to have them... I used to wear gloves alot. Now I got my nails did! Pics of my normal acrylic french manicured glamour nails havin' hands comming soon... Yay!

me realizing the first season of Queer as Folk is 80 clams...ugh, ebay here i come....

me happy cause I'm hearing some disco but wishing I was skating

Miss Yo Yo doing what Baby Dog and I should be doing as I forgot to sleep last night, and dream about this guy:

Oh and after dreaming of Brian Kinney, dreaming of how fun it would be like to have several margartias and get a pedicure with this person! Becuase he/she's completely fabulous!

As long as she's really a he and doesn't talk about The Lord too much... or at all
Oh, and here's my non-glamour, all business, hair dresser on a hot day been bleachin' and colouring clients all day, pic hehe yep I did hair too, and looked like hell doing it too!

And Finally, Miss Disco/Goth Pre HairFalls addiction...

Anyway, I'm going to make a real entry when me and Baby Dog wake up from our nap, that will be concerning the happiness that Retail Therapy can bring to a girl when she's not hurried, harrased and given any shit for her choices... And also especially the joy of getting rid of those tired depressing blue lava lites and replacing them with my mod grid lamps with several changeable colour grid backgrounds. Of couse I got pink in right now,, yep I'll take pics of them too.!
I think those are the last of these, I'm taking new shots of me, Baby Dog, and of course the Valley of the Dolls bathroom and my new space-age/disco/gothic.opium den and possibly my cat Shinobi after I get my new digi-cam and web cam on Thursday! Yay! Still gotta wait for shipping though, alothough I'm only blocks away from Office Depot and they deliver next day free!.... But the pink plastic dining chairs from Ikea I'll Have to pay through the nose to have delivered. The Digicam I can probably pick up cheap online but shipping and waiting, Bleh, I'll see what's local as far as the digi cams go some of 'em are getting pretty cheap these days, and I don't like need "The best Digi-cam on the Planet Ever", just one like the one I had before Li'l you know who snaked it. He needs such a spanking...
Anyway sorry for the lage posts with
all the vanity and photos, especially
for you lot with dial up
Nap time for
me and
Baby Dog
Im glad!
[Edited on Aug 30, 2005 1:41PM]