I'm just tired tired tired, this month has been way too full of excitement for me I'm beyond exhaustion, everything hurts, I can barely walk, and my in-laws are getting in tomorrow afternoon, So I think after tuesday, I'm finally going to be finished off.
A pink cat/small dog collar arrived in the post today, It's so tiny I hope it fits one of the pets.
Anyway, I need to REST!! I want no excitement, no surprizes, nothing interesting, no stimulating anything of any kind or anything that makes my brain or body have to work in any way. Remember people, I am officially disabled after all. I injure and bruise easily and I'm still nursing a broken hip. I just hope Tuesday night is boring as can be, Actually after this month I want the rest of my life to be as boring and uneventful as possible. Unless The Damned come to town... Then again even Lord Vanian gets tired and hateful from time to time...

That is all.
Sister Vanian
i mean, until we pass out of course.
i mean, until I pass out.