Sorry I had to be a cheese flavoured goth and throw up that image because it's one of my favourites ever! I even used to have that poster on my celing (between pics of Dave Vanian, hehe) and just to be even more of a cheese flavoured goth I'm tossing this one up as well,

Eee! *sigh* Dave during his "Hmmm.... Gosh those pre-teens that read all those Anne Rice books really seem to be liking the big hair and lace, I think I'll run with that image for a bit" phase,
Oh he's just so dreamy, Whether he's Belas Lugosi's Juvinile Delinquent Grandson (early Damned), Count David of Vanian, big haired lacy pretty Gothic Prince (Phantasmagoria Damned), Or his current incarnation as (Undead Elvis '68 Black leather combeback special), the man knows what he's doing when it comes to style. Just like my dear husband juno106.
Anyway we had a great weekend, there was eating of fabulous food, there was drinking of fabulous drinks, nice cool evenings, warm introductions, fiendships formed, shops discovered, and astoundingly bad bowling on the part of myself, (but I'm improving) then there was more stimulating conversation,
A bit of the Damned's Strawberries, and then off to sleep and a far too early morning of mimisoas, cats and dogs, furious text messages from some fascist who wanted to take our new fiend away far too soon, bittersweet goodbyes.
Bitter because we wanted her to stay longer and feel better and have a better travelling partner, and sweet because we'll be seeing our new fiend at Pride next weekend where I will be dressed as a mid-1960's bride, but compltetely in black with dead flowers (I even have my black three tiered veil baby. I'm dressing as the dead bride in black (okay cause I'm a big cheeseball of a goff, and have the ultimate outfit for it, and also wearing a few choice pins to protest the idiocy of those homophobic shitheads who think that gays, lesbians, bi, and trandgendered people in long term committed relationships should not marry. FUCK THEM! Actually I take that back, homophobes should not be allowed to have sex ever, I mean really what if they breed? We can't have that now can we?) <---- yes I know I'm being a sex fascist... I plan on invading Poland next year with an army of club kids and drag queens and assorted fun-loving pervies, it'll be fabulous, start working on your Kielbasa double entendres people!
Anyway then we took a trip to the fish department of Uwajimaya, the biggest Asian supermarket ever. to pick up our makings for our Japanese sashimi salad, as well as some marlin we're having tomorrow night. so that was nice but by then we were STARVING! so we walked over to get some Creole food at the New Orleans cafe... It was so-so, I can do much better, but after we were done we wanted to be obnoxious and smoke, so we went into the bar, and wouldn't you know it a bunch of old drunks are having a retirement party, awww...
People were getting very emotional over their crapass gifts, and out of the corner of my eye I spied a short little bottle of something strong and nearly deathly intoxicating and bright screaming green that I hadn't tasted since me and my gothy neighbour in New Orleans, Miss Blaque Violette used to share the crap that we would pick up from the royal street A&P, and sip on our neighbouring galleries.
Chartreuce (oops), the green devil, the drink that lasts forever and almost dares you to drink it because you and it, both know what it's capable of doing to you later if you're not smart about how you drink this poison down, so I ordered us some, And we attempted to drink it for over an hour. The drunks even offered us cake and we were like " No thanks, mixed with this we'll die of insulin shock."
Anyway after the creole cuisine and the amature candy (It wishes it could be absinthe) liquour, we went in search of exotic unhealthy cloves and ride home to get out of the unbearable heat. Summer has begun, and well at least we have more mimosas....
Sister Vanian
edited because my spelling is as bad as my bowling... And I call myself a writer? WTF? Oh well, 10 minutes and my favourite show of all time Queer as Folk is on... Brian Kinney needs such a spanking, I mean that in the nicest possible way of course...heh