It's Captain Sensible's Birthday today, other than that there's no new tale to tell except what I updated in my last entry. The bride to be is going to be merciful and let me wear my uber-mod black Chanel copy dress complete with quilted black Chanel inspired handbag containing my script That I'll be reading during the ceremony, and the toast at the reception, A pile of faux pearl jewelry just like Coco herself would wear, and a flask of Dalmore Scotch to fit right in the lovely handbag of majesty... I already have my cute little vintage looking circa 1965 black high heels at the ready and a damn fine looking Four Beheadings and a Funeral Hat. The Queen Mum R.I.P. would be ever so proud of my uber proper English Representin' at this Hippie Love Drug Wedding Fest...
God Damn but I LOVE THIS HAT!!!
*sings* You were made for meeee, and I was made for youuu...*stops singing and wishes the Captain a very happy birthday indeed*
Oh by the way I finally saw Mayor of The Sunset Strip last night. it was fun and campy to a point but ultimately depressing.... GOD I LOVE THAT HAT!!!
God Damn but I LOVE THIS HAT!!!
*sings* You were made for meeee, and I was made for youuu...*stops singing and wishes the Captain a very happy birthday indeed*
Oh by the way I finally saw Mayor of The Sunset Strip last night. it was fun and campy to a point but ultimately depressing.... GOD I LOVE THAT HAT!!!
That hat is HOT!
you go girl!!
that rocks!!
can't wait to see you in it. We had a great time. SGNC people are fun to hang with....