Well God Save the (Girl) Drag Queen...
I'm actually going to follow my husbands witches for once.
This means no full time jobs.
This means false alarm.
This means no cat clinic.
Which is fine with me.
I still don't really have my health back from the monumental emotional, physical and mental breakdown courtesy of Archie Mc Phee/Accoutrements.com last November. I still say fuck them and the devil ducks they rode in on. But at the same time I'll be fair in saying that I simply wasn't up to the tasks they demanded, but I had no idea they'd be demanding those tasks of a delicate and elderly arthritis-stricken thing like myself. So now I get to live the rest of my life with even more pain and wah wah bloody wah... I still have nightmares about the place. I guess I just need to talk to someone because I still get teary and upset about some of the lecturing and sheer meaness and the feeling of being so left out of it all. What was wrong with me? What is wrong with me?
Wow, they really did smashing job of shattering all my self esteem and I've been on a curvy road of self destruction ever since. Then again I've kindof always been on a curvy road of self destruction, now it's just less curvy.
Well, wasn't that uplifting? I should probably stop typing now because I'm tearing up and I can't see.
By the way, please do not support that company. most of what they sell is made in mainland Chinese sweatshops and the gags and kitch and charm and all that shit wears off or just plain breaks really quick. The action figures are stupid and you're much better off buying cool Japanese stuff from cool Japanese designers and toy makers, if you need a lunchbox get a real one from a regular retailer and paint it yourself, make your own work of art. The world does not need that company. They have no reason to exist. They only sell absolute shit. Get something vintage, frequent yard sales, independent net retailers and ebay, it's much more fun anyway.
I'd sooner support Spencer Gifts, Champion Party Supply, or Display and Costume, fuck it even Hot Toxic.
Okay this time for real...
Peas out.
P.S. Yes, the majority of the people that worked there were cool, but doesn't make up for what was done to me. Nothing ever will...
Well God Save the (Girl) Drag Queen...
I'm actually going to follow my husbands witches for once.
This means no full time jobs.
This means false alarm.
This means no cat clinic.
Which is fine with me.
I still don't really have my health back from the monumental emotional, physical and mental breakdown courtesy of Archie Mc Phee/Accoutrements.com last November. I still say fuck them and the devil ducks they rode in on. But at the same time I'll be fair in saying that I simply wasn't up to the tasks they demanded, but I had no idea they'd be demanding those tasks of a delicate and elderly arthritis-stricken thing like myself. So now I get to live the rest of my life with even more pain and wah wah bloody wah... I still have nightmares about the place. I guess I just need to talk to someone because I still get teary and upset about some of the lecturing and sheer meaness and the feeling of being so left out of it all. What was wrong with me? What is wrong with me?
Wow, they really did smashing job of shattering all my self esteem and I've been on a curvy road of self destruction ever since. Then again I've kindof always been on a curvy road of self destruction, now it's just less curvy.
Well, wasn't that uplifting? I should probably stop typing now because I'm tearing up and I can't see.
By the way, please do not support that company. most of what they sell is made in mainland Chinese sweatshops and the gags and kitch and charm and all that shit wears off or just plain breaks really quick. The action figures are stupid and you're much better off buying cool Japanese stuff from cool Japanese designers and toy makers, if you need a lunchbox get a real one from a regular retailer and paint it yourself, make your own work of art. The world does not need that company. They have no reason to exist. They only sell absolute shit. Get something vintage, frequent yard sales, independent net retailers and ebay, it's much more fun anyway.
I'd sooner support Spencer Gifts, Champion Party Supply, or Display and Costume, fuck it even Hot Toxic.
Okay this time for real...
Peas out.
P.S. Yes, the majority of the people that worked there were cool, but doesn't make up for what was done to me. Nothing ever will...
everyone needs a pity party at least once a year. its like a mandatory thing

I love you sweetie...