I've got a new pain to go with the collection...
It's more sciatica, another disc has called it quits and this time it's not playing about. My left hip is basically useless if I put any weight on it. Now I've got a matching set of useless hips and a nice round (thank you my beautiful Haitian Great Grandma Mere) booty that nobody gets to see because I always have to sit down, Hell, they shouldn't be looking any damn way, I'm married...
Anyway, the pain starts from deep inside the hip and radiates down the outside of the thigh and up the side. But instead of numbness or coldness, it's just sheer pain. If it gets any worse, I'll need another MRI and they might start talking replacement . This is getting ridiculous. I actually thought as I was limping down the hallway that we might have to move because I never know if I can walk or not on any given day and the day when I need a chair could be fast approaching.
I don't want any acupuncture or massage, and I'm SO TIRED of people recommending that to me. Mainly hippies do that. WHY CAN'T THEY LET ME GIVE UP IN PEACE!?! If someone's going to stick needles in me those pointy little motherfuckers has better be packing an opioid pain killer! Western medicine all the way babe! That's all I have to say about that.. Yes yes I know opioids for pain isn't purely a Western invention... Duh... I just wish I had a nice big bottle of Laudanum handy...
Okay I'm about to be REALLY politically incorect here but I can't help but be enraged every time I feel that searing pain, that the equasion of racism and the advent of the suffragette movement has caused so much misery and pain and death. Prohibition is the fault of false piety and fear run rampant in this society. Outlawing a plant, outlawing low dose REAL pain killing medicines, outlawing even prostitution, is in and of itself immoral.
There are people out there that need certain services and products to lead productive and healthy lives. And it's nobody's business if my banker needs a clean and safe environment to get himself off with a professional, so he can be focused and feel confident and friendly instead of constricted and hateful when I walk in to make a deposit. And it's nobody's business if my cashier at the market did a little coke so she could get that pounding migraine out of her head and put on a happy face to do her job without taking her misery out on the vine ripened tomatoes I carefully selected by throwing them in a bag as if they were her personal enemies.
I would hope that the local chef is smoking a little cannabis, while he constructs a menu. Nobody knows good food like a stoner with a fully stocked kitchen! I want my bartender to loosen up and have a Bailey's and Coffee so he's a little more friendly and on top of his chatting game.
This world would be such a much nicer place if they (the government, the church, the upity Senator's wives) would all just quit it with the fake piety (which is most likely a direct result of guilt) and judgements and CHILL THE FUCK OUT!!! I'm sorry, I went off on a rant like that but pain makes me preachy... Because it doesn't have to be this way. It's just that 50% of this country just really needs remove the GIGANTIC PLANK out of it's own eye, before they start picking at the specks in our own PRIVATE lives... Freedom actually used to mean something... isn't that sad? Reason # 7,946 why we want to move to Belgium..
It's more sciatica, another disc has called it quits and this time it's not playing about. My left hip is basically useless if I put any weight on it. Now I've got a matching set of useless hips and a nice round (thank you my beautiful Haitian Great Grandma Mere) booty that nobody gets to see because I always have to sit down, Hell, they shouldn't be looking any damn way, I'm married...
Anyway, the pain starts from deep inside the hip and radiates down the outside of the thigh and up the side. But instead of numbness or coldness, it's just sheer pain. If it gets any worse, I'll need another MRI and they might start talking replacement . This is getting ridiculous. I actually thought as I was limping down the hallway that we might have to move because I never know if I can walk or not on any given day and the day when I need a chair could be fast approaching.
I don't want any acupuncture or massage, and I'm SO TIRED of people recommending that to me. Mainly hippies do that. WHY CAN'T THEY LET ME GIVE UP IN PEACE!?! If someone's going to stick needles in me those pointy little motherfuckers has better be packing an opioid pain killer! Western medicine all the way babe! That's all I have to say about that.. Yes yes I know opioids for pain isn't purely a Western invention... Duh... I just wish I had a nice big bottle of Laudanum handy...
Okay I'm about to be REALLY politically incorect here but I can't help but be enraged every time I feel that searing pain, that the equasion of racism and the advent of the suffragette movement has caused so much misery and pain and death. Prohibition is the fault of false piety and fear run rampant in this society. Outlawing a plant, outlawing low dose REAL pain killing medicines, outlawing even prostitution, is in and of itself immoral.
There are people out there that need certain services and products to lead productive and healthy lives. And it's nobody's business if my banker needs a clean and safe environment to get himself off with a professional, so he can be focused and feel confident and friendly instead of constricted and hateful when I walk in to make a deposit. And it's nobody's business if my cashier at the market did a little coke so she could get that pounding migraine out of her head and put on a happy face to do her job without taking her misery out on the vine ripened tomatoes I carefully selected by throwing them in a bag as if they were her personal enemies.
I would hope that the local chef is smoking a little cannabis, while he constructs a menu. Nobody knows good food like a stoner with a fully stocked kitchen! I want my bartender to loosen up and have a Bailey's and Coffee so he's a little more friendly and on top of his chatting game.
This world would be such a much nicer place if they (the government, the church, the upity Senator's wives) would all just quit it with the fake piety (which is most likely a direct result of guilt) and judgements and CHILL THE FUCK OUT!!! I'm sorry, I went off on a rant like that but pain makes me preachy... Because it doesn't have to be this way. It's just that 50% of this country just really needs remove the GIGANTIC PLANK out of it's own eye, before they start picking at the specks in our own PRIVATE lives... Freedom actually used to mean something... isn't that sad? Reason # 7,946 why we want to move to Belgium..
I just read your comment from monroe's page, and I really feel for you. I have herniated my L5 disc in my lower back twice, and the second time was twice as big and bad. I couldn't even walk to use the restroom for a week, and fortunately i was so medicated for the pain, I didn't have much of an appetite. I was barely handling it with a vicodin every 4 hrs (max - one every 4 hours) 'cause the pain would pierce through at 3 1/2. my injury was pressing on my sciatic nerve and the pain went to my toes. I was getting the beginnings of nerve damage 'cause my left foots toes were going numb and I lost strength in that leg. I eventually got it back, thank god. I don't know if you should be sitting so much as my orthopedic surgeon told me that wasn't a good idea. Basically, I ended up getting 2 epidurals of synthetic steroid. I'm not the biggest fan of this procedure, but it fuckin rocks. the swelling goes down immediately and you feel amazingly better by the next day or two, depending on how big the herniation. I will say that the second epidural was even better because the wanted to do a live theroscopy (epidural under live xray), and so they had to give me an IV for the first time in my life. The gave me some meds through it, and in like 2 seconds I was on cloud 9. God that felt so good.
But if you have insurance, MRI all the way. thats really the only way to see what the fuck is up down there. I truly know what you must be experiencing, and I hope that you get better. afterwards, it's all about strengthening your core with exercise. take care and good luck!

I feel your pain. Be strong!!