Wow, I go away for a couple weeks and look at all the comments! Thanks, you guys!!!
I wish I could say I had a happy birthday, but unfortunately I can't. The last 2 weeks have been the worst of my life. My mom had a heart attack. She was given an angiogram to clear up her right coronary artery, and she had a stroke after that. So now we're working on getting her transferred down here to Portland to a skilled nursing facility. It's been absolute hell. She's not paralyzed or anything, but she is having trouble finding the right words for what she wants to say and gets very frustrated.
One good thing has come of it, though. Byron is now my fiance. He proposed to me in Mom's hospital room on Aug. 23rd. We're going to go down to the courthouse and get hitched sometime in the next couple weeks (if we can work it in between phone calls to insurance companies, Medicare, nursing homes, etc., and actually going to our jobs and working).
And now for the lecture (you knew it was coming). If you smoke, STOP. If someone you love smokes, HELP THEM STOP. I don't care how much of a pain in the ass it is to quit. Just do it. It's not just about lung cancer. Smoking deposits poisons and crap in your body that fuck up everything. Mom's been smoking for over 60 years. She has been having trouble walking the past couple years, and nobody could figure out why. Well, when the doctors did the angiogram, they wanted to go up into the left coronary artery as well, but they couldn't because her leg and groin arteries on the left side (where they would introduce the instrument up into the coronary artery) are so clogged with calcifications that they couldn't do it without surgery, which she is not a candidate for. So people, I know that you look so damn cool and tough and edgy and sexy with that ciggie dangling from your chops. I guarantee you that you won't look so damn cool and tough and edgy and sexy flat on your back in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines with an oxygen cannula shoved up your nostrils and needles stuck in your arms for IV solutions, blood transfusions, etc. Trust me - you won't. So no bitching, no whining - make like a Nike ad and JUST DO IT.
Lecture over. Thanks for being my friends.

I wish I could say I had a happy birthday, but unfortunately I can't. The last 2 weeks have been the worst of my life. My mom had a heart attack. She was given an angiogram to clear up her right coronary artery, and she had a stroke after that. So now we're working on getting her transferred down here to Portland to a skilled nursing facility. It's been absolute hell. She's not paralyzed or anything, but she is having trouble finding the right words for what she wants to say and gets very frustrated.

One good thing has come of it, though. Byron is now my fiance. He proposed to me in Mom's hospital room on Aug. 23rd. We're going to go down to the courthouse and get hitched sometime in the next couple weeks (if we can work it in between phone calls to insurance companies, Medicare, nursing homes, etc., and actually going to our jobs and working).

And now for the lecture (you knew it was coming). If you smoke, STOP. If someone you love smokes, HELP THEM STOP. I don't care how much of a pain in the ass it is to quit. Just do it. It's not just about lung cancer. Smoking deposits poisons and crap in your body that fuck up everything. Mom's been smoking for over 60 years. She has been having trouble walking the past couple years, and nobody could figure out why. Well, when the doctors did the angiogram, they wanted to go up into the left coronary artery as well, but they couldn't because her leg and groin arteries on the left side (where they would introduce the instrument up into the coronary artery) are so clogged with calcifications that they couldn't do it without surgery, which she is not a candidate for. So people, I know that you look so damn cool and tough and edgy and sexy with that ciggie dangling from your chops. I guarantee you that you won't look so damn cool and tough and edgy and sexy flat on your back in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines with an oxygen cannula shoved up your nostrils and needles stuck in your arms for IV solutions, blood transfusions, etc. Trust me - you won't. So no bitching, no whining - make like a Nike ad and JUST DO IT.

Lecture over. Thanks for being my friends.

Oh, and, Congratulations!
[Edited on Sep 09, 2005 7:17PM]
You got mail.