Your Tarot card for today:
Ace of Swords - again! See the entry for June 29 (aka Bruce Campbell Day).
This is a good one for me today. I need to learn to develop these qualities and also a thicker skin.
Oh - and people? When you're out driving on the freeway, especially during rush hour, please A) use your fucking turn signals; B) slow down; and C) learn the fine art and skill of merging traffic. Your life and the lives of so many others will be a lot more pleasant. Thank you.
Ace of Swords - again! See the entry for June 29 (aka Bruce Campbell Day).
This is a good one for me today. I need to learn to develop these qualities and also a thicker skin.
Oh - and people? When you're out driving on the freeway, especially during rush hour, please A) use your fucking turn signals; B) slow down; and C) learn the fine art and skill of merging traffic. Your life and the lives of so many others will be a lot more pleasant. Thank you.
hahah dont ever try to drive in jersey
Hey! I just noticed your testimonial. Thank you!!!