Thanks for the kitty commisserations, you guys. In honor of Marvin and all of our feline friends, this week's deck is Tarot of the
People! And your card for today is:
King of Wands (KIng of Staves again!!): The king of wands bears an instrument that is both a scepter and a light. His companion, a bobcat, is less spectacular in appearance than the leopard or firecat, but its spirit is just as strong. A kitten on his helmet symbolizes the king's protection of the weak and his paternal compassion. Meanings: An honest and conscientious person. Maturity. Wise, devoted, friendly and sympathetic person. Educated gentleman, generally married. Fatherly person."
I think we could use a few more of those.
Bruce Campbell on Wednesday!!!
<fangirl mode> SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
</fangirl mode>

King of Wands (KIng of Staves again!!): The king of wands bears an instrument that is both a scepter and a light. His companion, a bobcat, is less spectacular in appearance than the leopard or firecat, but its spirit is just as strong. A kitten on his helmet symbolizes the king's protection of the weak and his paternal compassion. Meanings: An honest and conscientious person. Maturity. Wise, devoted, friendly and sympathetic person. Educated gentleman, generally married. Fatherly person."
I think we could use a few more of those.

Bruce Campbell on Wednesday!!!
<fangirl mode> SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you lucky duck!!...are you gonna have him sign yer boobs?!?!...I'd have him sign mine ya know.

I'm sure Bruce will sign the photo! You will always remember meeting him. Have fun!!