today has been an interesting day
i found out that i get to do a portfolio review
interview for an intern position
with an editorial magazine on monday morning at 10am
i am digging through my images
picking out which ones to make prints of
to put in my books
even if the intern position doesnt happen
the portfolio review with the photo editor of the publication is worth every minute of my time
i will have someone in the industry critique and provide advice to make my work and book even more solid
she will be familiar with my name and my work as well
which could lead to freelance work
when the perfect assignment for my style falls in her lap
i was very excited to see that she spent under 5 minutes on my site this morning
(i love watching my stats.....its the nerd in me)
right when she got in
from what it looks like
and had replied to my email before she even exited my site
(and she went to my blog when she left the site even)
here begins the busy weekend of pulling images from my archives
making prints
updating my portfolio books
and getting some new duds to wear to the interview
and maybe even a haircut on sunday afternoon as well
today has been an interesting day
i found out that i get to do a portfolio review
interview for an intern position
with an editorial magazine on monday morning at 10am
i am digging through my images
picking out which ones to make prints of
to put in my books
even if the intern position doesnt happen
the portfolio review with the photo editor of the publication is worth every minute of my time
i will have someone in the industry critique and provide advice to make my work and book even more solid
she will be familiar with my name and my work as well
which could lead to freelance work
when the perfect assignment for my style falls in her lap
i was very excited to see that she spent under 5 minutes on my site this morning
(i love watching my stats.....its the nerd in me)
right when she got in
from what it looks like
and had replied to my email before she even exited my site
(and she went to my blog when she left the site even)
here begins the busy weekend of pulling images from my archives
making prints
updating my portfolio books
and getting some new duds to wear to the interview
and maybe even a haircut on sunday afternoon as well

That is so AWESOME!!!!! Good things come to good people.