I'm finally glad to be in California. I still hate the state as a general rule, but having spent two weeks in the last month out of state, I realised it could be worse. My heart goes out to anyone who lives in Cincinnati or Houston. Those places really are hell holes. I hope I never have to go back again.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 07, 2004
Man, I am so sick. I thought I was going to get out of winter unscath… -
Thursday Dec 25, 2003
So far, this is the best Christmas ever. I don't mean to jinx myself,… -
Monday Dec 22, 2003
Why do you always have to "make the best of it"? It's almost an axiom… -
Sunday Dec 07, 2003
People talk about such stupid shit( me not excluded). There's a discu… -
Monday Nov 24, 2003
Scratch that last entry. I just happened to catch the end of Jerry Ma… -
Monday Nov 24, 2003
You ever have one of those days where you just can't get drunk enough… -
Friday Oct 31, 2003
Hey! My phone works after all. I can hear! I can hear! But....who the… -
Wednesday Oct 29, 2003
I'm now completely cut off from the outside world. I dropped my cell …
Thanks for reminding me.