SO I took my ACT test for college placement yesterday.. I will know the scores in 4 to 6 weeks.. pretty retarded that I have to wait that long but whatever.. I hope I did well. I really don't feel like spending a year of college taking remedial classes.. but whatever.. at least I am going back to school.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 12, 2010
The last day of my Four day.. I got to horribly drunk Saturday that I… -
Saturday Apr 10, 2010
Taking the boy to the carnival today.. should be fun.. Also thinking … -
Friday Apr 09, 2010
Going to Bamberg with my son today.. Hopefully get him some nice thin… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2010
Finally today is the last day of my work week.. I need this long week… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2010
Umm yeah, I found out tonight that I can't trust people.. Kind of suc… -
Monday Apr 05, 2010
Is seeking an online pin pal type deal.. I need someone to talk to ab… -
Saturday Apr 03, 2010
getting closer and closer to start my count down of moving back to th… -
Sunday Feb 28, 2010
SOOOOO.... am I the only one who finds Emma Stone to be incredibly Se… -
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
just as the snow starts to melt here it snows again.... I can't wait … -
Monday Feb 01, 2010
So I just beat super mario for the wiii.....feeling all bad ass and s…