Feeling a bit better today.. lots of stuff to do seeing as how I babied my feeling sick like crazy yesterday. Did nothing but sleep.. it was kind of great but a set back as well.. today is another beautiful day but I got to do laundry before tomorrow gets here.. damn it...
It was such a nice day out today and of course I was in the house sick... Why does stupid shit always have to happen.? It's getting sort of depressing... but hopefully the fever will go down and I will start feeling better by tomorrow this way I can enjoy my last day off of work..
hope you feel better soon!
ok one day down one day to go than another four day weekend lol.. Gotta love being in the ARMY sometimes.. get alot of stupid shit than again you get out of alot of stupid shit lol. but anyways.. the hang over is gone and feeling great.. P.T. tomorrow should be interesting.. Spinning Class? I know not.. wish me luck
The last day of my Four day.. I got to horribly drunk Saturday that I don't remember shit.. but ohh well.. spent all day yesterday recovering from the damnedest hangover ever.. feeling ok today though.. gonna do some cleaning and yeah...
me too! (the horribly drunk part that is).. and i convinced other people that they needed to be horribly drunk as well.. was lotsa fun!.. i got lucky though.. i rarely get hangovers. hope youre back to feeling 100% soon!
Taking the boy to the carnival today.. should be fun.. Also thinking of getting my frenum repierced.... we shall see..
Going to Bamberg with my son today.. Hopefully get him some nice things and go see the castle there.. Just a few more months and we shall be back in NC...
Finally today is the last day of my work week.. I need this long weekend.. I'm hurting.. I need more sleep and less stress.. Just gonna sit around and do things with the kid this weekend.. I miss being able to just do what I want when I want.. only 6 more months than I am done with the army and I get to come...
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Umm yeah, I found out tonight that I can't trust people.. Kind of sucks. Some things said are meant to be kept to yourself. I guess I shouldn't share shit with people. Fuck em.. Easy to replace I guess...
i learned the SAME thing today. only a coworker repeated back to me some pretty intimate details of my life... feels awesome doesnt it? good thing i dont give a FUCK.
Is seeking an online pin pal type deal.. I need someone to talk to about things that I don't really know to well... or at least don't know to well yet.. I'm in the ARMY and I grew up with my father being in the ARMY so with all the moving I never got that whole long term friendship type deal. Just need someone to...
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GERMANY. Score. I know approcimately two phrases in German- "Jens kommt im der schule mit dem moped" and "Deine mutter ist der taschenrechner". And that's about it.
And I'm bored and I've stumbled across this! WOW! Hope you're having a fun day. Where is Sanford? I had a girlfriend in Morrisville. Nice place. Feel free to message me or hit me up sometime.
And I'm bored and I've stumbled across this! WOW! Hope you're having a fun day. Where is Sanford? I had a girlfriend in Morrisville. Nice place. Feel free to message me or hit me up sometime.
getting closer and closer to start my count down of moving back to the states.. October needs to hurry up and get here.. I love Germany and all but it's time to go home.. 3 years is long enough for me. Can't wait to get back to civilian world and be my self again..