I don't know why I don't learn. I guess I dislike the Army so much that going home seems like it will be fun, but every time I get home I realize I don't identify with my family at all. I feel like breaking up with them and telling them that we should just be friends.

I have 28 days. I feel like road trippin'....
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Yes, the Brunch on the 1st Saturday of each month is the best way to meet everyone and get in the group.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
I've arrived.

28 wonderfully short days of freedom. le sigh
Tomorrow I start my journey back home.

I make it sound like a big deal... and it is, but it's only a 10-hour drive, give or take. tongue

When next we meet, I'll be back in the Pedro. Woo! biggrin
Cause I see blue skies -oh!- through the tears in my eyes
And I realize I'm going home.

Going home Monday. AZ will become but a delicious memory.
So... this week I found out that I am, in fact, a pirate.

Details later.
Arr... ?

So... yeah. I was gonna have sex with this 20-year old last night and things were going ok. I could tell she was apprehensive, but I started using my fingers on her and she was going wild. Her lips went cold which is always a good sign but as we started doing the deed, she told me she couldn't do this. No wait, she asked...
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girls are stupid.
So... been in the field for the past week doing this top secret military intelligence thing. It's pretty cool. We go into a town filled with actors pretending to be Iraqis and start looking for information on insurgents without actually directly asking. Elicitation. For example, I want to know about a particular company. Do I call the company? No! They're working on secret stuff. So...
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Last night was a party the likes of which memories are made of.

We got to Maloney's in Tucson waaay early. About 5:30pm because they start carding at 6pm and we
had two minors we had to "sneak" in (I know, I know. I'm a terrible human being). Being in a training base,
we are restricted in several ways. For example, the soldiers who have...
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I wouldn't leave just when I got my hashbrowns proper either. HoJos is more comfortable anyways.

Have a safe trip.
Knackered = exhausted.

I did go for boots and skirt in the end. That's my old reliable stage outfit. I was going to wear a ripped miniskirt with my stockings and suspenders showing, but decided I don't really have the guts to do that, which is just as well because I always get hassled by the drunkest, weirdest, oldest and most Welsh man who happens to be there. Tonight was no exception. My bandmates have started making jokes about it.
I've given it years of thought, and I think I will get myself kicked out of the Army. Not yet, since I still have a car to pay off, but one mo' year in Iraq will wipe out all my debt and leave me with a little to get started.

Gov't jobs will be out of the question for the rest of my life, and...
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I have a friend down in Ft. Huachuca who FINALLY got out of the army. He's got a civilian job on base down there. My other friend is Air Force, and she's stationed in Wyoming. She hates it too.

I don't know why exactly my set got rejected. I posted it to the SG hopefuls site and they said that a couple pics were too blurry and the theme was overdone. So, back to the drawing board for something a little more simple. I have some ideas, so I will go pink or die smile

But anyway, the next game is August 19th, which Im playing in. The one after that is September 16th, and is the championship (which I'm most likely playing in)
Chuffed = happy.

Sorry to hear your job is getting you down so badly, but there's always something else right? x
Yay! I have internet again!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

... but just for the night. tongue Then I'm back to living like a caveman.

How is everyone else doing?

I had no idea that soldier's went out there for that long! Excuse my ignorance.

This month was a tough money month, so my sub ran out on there, but then like I said in my journal new sets were so tempting that I decided to 'make room' for photos of pretty girls and catching up with a few people on here. smile
Bummer! I was bar hopping with some friends around town.