I think the word "penis" is the most comically vulgar word in the English language. Hear me out.

I work a lot with soldiers so I'm going to use them as my examples. These are my observations and my opinions alone. You can either choose to agree or choose to disagree, but I digress

Soldiers tend to be aware (hyperaware, even) of their existence, but...
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I have one friemd who, if he thinks you're ignoring him, will say loudly, "My DICK in your ear!"
In this case, I don't think a penis would do the job.
i'm laughingly speechless biggrin
Is it possible to experience an exhilirating high and depressing low at the same time?

Today I got news, the news I've been waiting for and I'm extremely happy, and extremely sad. frown

In my next post, I'll share with all of you my thoughts on the word "penis."

I like it with the boobies but I can't find one without the watermark. I totally want that t-shirt and I saw it somewhere once but it's never been reprinted so it was at a collector's price. whatever
In what language?
Soldier Voices went live on 5 November, 2006, or about three weeks ago.

Since then the hit counter has gone up to 270, which is great because the site was only advertised through word of mouth and me advertising on certain sites.

Problem is, no one is really posting. I know not everyone agrees with me, and I couldn't make it any easier!

What do...
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you have to start by putting all the content on your own. Email your friends and ask for their stories, opinions, make polls, etc and then post it yourself, then people will start giving opinions on that... It takes a while until they start submitting their own writings, first they just like to criticize what others write..

good luck, it's a good idea, keep it up!
ask questions, people love to answer questions. get people to tell you their story.
I'm vying for a spot to go to Washington DC so I can denounce the war in Iraq right in the White House's front yard.

There's only spots for between 6-8 so wish me luck!!! biggrin

EDIT: I got my answer! biggrin My first essay was titled "What, Exactly, are We Dying For?" Well, when I google'd my name, I got my answer. smile It all seems so...
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We're dying for sex, exactly. tongue
Happy Turkey Day everyone! I hope you and your families have an awesome Thanksgiving.

This will be yet another holiday spent alone. Oh well. I have a turkey hot pocket with my name on it.
Happy T-day man. Here's a Turkey for ya.


I just googled myself again after a week of not googling myself (at least not online anyway whatever ). My essay is being copied and pasted into other places. It's most definately proliferating.

Makes me wish I had proofread it first. tongue

Anyway, I'm hoping my second will be published this weekend. smile

I talked to another reporter today and he said he'd pimp my website. Check...
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booby 1 and booby 2
well, i dont really have much of a say in when they feel like getting bigger. ive tried talking to them before but they just wont listen.
I'm getting ready to deploy in the next two weeks and my laptop decides to have issues. It's basically on life support now. I'm basically just using it to back up my precious, precious datas. I really was hoping this thing would last at least 10 more years. Oh well.

I'm talking to another reporter in the coming days and I have 68 unread emails...
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Yup, I must say it is the little things that make me happy! Can you picture a cat that Gallops? yup my cat gallops... I should videotape it sometime, it is beyond funny!
The interview ended up lasting two hours and they were very thankful that I shared my experiences, but I didn't have a chance to see the questions before filming, so I didn't have time to think of responses.

Therefore, my answers ended up having a lot of "ums" and "likes." Two things I avoid entirely when speaking publicly. When I would catch myself "umming" I...
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you rock.
I never realized how much i say





until i started answering phones for a living. i still do it cept now it drives me nuts tongue
So... my suspicions are turning out to be true. I just caught the marquee on the news that Bush's Iraq policy won't change until the goal we set out for originally is reached.

What goal was that? Finding WMD? Toppling Saddam? Bush's "vision?"

I fucking knew it. Iraq doesn't have resources that Bush wants, Iraq has resources that *America* wants. That includes the Dems! biggrin