Woo! Greetings from Kuwait!
This place isn't too bad. They have a lot of nice things and there isn't too many soldiers so....
We're just here waiting to head into Iraq. *That* should be a different story.
I hope everything is all right! I got a call from the people doing the 60 Mins ep. Apparently I'm gonna be kind of a big deal within the context of the show.
Still no idea on an air date.

This place isn't too bad. They have a lot of nice things and there isn't too many soldiers so....
We're just here waiting to head into Iraq. *That* should be a different story.
I hope everything is all right! I got a call from the people doing the 60 Mins ep. Apparently I'm gonna be kind of a big deal within the context of the show.
Still no idea on an air date.

Play nice with the insurgents. Unless they tried to IED or mortar your ass, then anything is fair game.