So... been in the field for the past week doing this top secret military intelligence thing. It's pretty cool. We go into a town filled with actors pretending to be Iraqis and start looking for information on insurgents without actually directly asking. Elicitation. For example, I want to know about a particular company. Do I call the company? No! They're working on secret stuff. So I ask an employee, "Hey! I'm thinking of applying for a job at your company! What's it like working there? What do you do?" etc...
It makes you kinda paranoid tho. Anytime someone asks me a direct question now and I'm not expecting it, I ask myself "Why does s/he want to know this?"
Also, we look for people to recruit as spies. It's pretty high speed, but I didn't know I was gonna be going into such a dangerous job when I took it. Turns out the people like me always have high bounties on our heads in foreign countries. They know what we're there to do and we're effective. Not bad for about $1200 a month.
When I came home last night, I called my dad and his Hepatits C is acting up. He contracted it when I was in 4th grade and I remember thinking my daddy was gonna die. In fourth grade I was 9 or 10. Now I'm 28 and I'm that little boy again thinking my daddy is gonna die.
He's been really stable with it for years now! I don't know why it's now starting to act up. The good news is, when he contracted it, there *was* no Hep C. It was called Hepatitis not A, not B. When they started seeing it more and more, *then* it became Hepatitis C. So, my pops was one of the first. They traced it back to eating contaminated hospital food when he was hospitalized with a kidney stone.
I remember being a boy and using his razor to shave (I had absolutely no hair on my face at the time, but wanted to do it) and him getting *very* upset at me because if I cut myself, I could get the disease.
Man. Sometimes it just seems like it never ends.
The good news, Hepatitis C treatment is a lot better than it was twenty years ago.
It makes you kinda paranoid tho. Anytime someone asks me a direct question now and I'm not expecting it, I ask myself "Why does s/he want to know this?"
Also, we look for people to recruit as spies. It's pretty high speed, but I didn't know I was gonna be going into such a dangerous job when I took it. Turns out the people like me always have high bounties on our heads in foreign countries. They know what we're there to do and we're effective. Not bad for about $1200 a month.
When I came home last night, I called my dad and his Hepatits C is acting up. He contracted it when I was in 4th grade and I remember thinking my daddy was gonna die. In fourth grade I was 9 or 10. Now I'm 28 and I'm that little boy again thinking my daddy is gonna die.
He's been really stable with it for years now! I don't know why it's now starting to act up. The good news is, when he contracted it, there *was* no Hep C. It was called Hepatitis not A, not B. When they started seeing it more and more, *then* it became Hepatitis C. So, my pops was one of the first. They traced it back to eating contaminated hospital food when he was hospitalized with a kidney stone.
I remember being a boy and using his razor to shave (I had absolutely no hair on my face at the time, but wanted to do it) and him getting *very* upset at me because if I cut myself, I could get the disease.
Man. Sometimes it just seems like it never ends.
The good news, Hepatitis C treatment is a lot better than it was twenty years ago.