rise and shine with boobies, yaaay.
Well I guess i'm single now.. Ugh back to no sex and just toys. Bit sad now lol.
i'm feeling pretty shitty. I think I just got dumped because I confronted him about being shit. He called me once and saw me once this month for sex. I feel so blank I have no words.
This week has been cray cray with ze sugary stuff!!!
I made 35 fruit cakes and a bunch of gingerbread houses and cookies and of course my daddy's 65th birthday cake!
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To all of the people reading this.. Hi.
So life at the moment isn't where I really wanted it to be. I mean finally got a boyfriend.. but somehow in this relationship I feel like the mistress more than the actual partner.. So I don't really know how to take that. I mean.. I feel like I whine and whinge but honestly would it really...
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