Well... I have nobody to blame but myself and I take full responsibility for what I’ve done. But, yesterday I came home to a letter in the mail saying that my drivers license was being taken away from me because of 2 speeding tickets 19 months apart from each other. I got a speeding ticket in 2016 on my way to pemberton music festival on my way to the ferries to go to the mainland, when the 90 all of the sudden changed to a 50 And I wasn’t paying enough attention to catch the road signs in an unfamiliar area that I have has never driven in before. I didn’t think much of it. On my way home from the last SG shootfest in Vancouver In January it was almost midnight and I was exhausted, I had been up for almost 20 hours traveling off of the island to shoot a new set, when I was pulled over while speeding up to pass another car to get into the turning lane on the highway to the ferry, along with a massive fine I lost my licence. Over 2 speeding tickets, non excessive. and now I cannot go on all of the road trips I had planned to shoot my upcoming SG sets, I had so many things planned that now may just not happen, I’m praying I can afford to fix my mistakes but I’ve dug myself a hole I don’t know I can get out of because my entire career depends on me being able to travel up and down island and to the mainland and now I’m being buried in fines to get it my licence back... over 2 damn tickets I paid right away.. It’s been my goal ever since starting SG to bring the community to the island, since all of the fun things seem to happen on the mainland. While my travel opportunities are now limited I’ll be taking this as an opportunity to work on building the incredible community I already see growing on Vancouver island, because every time I try to go to the mainland it seems that something bad happens, either I get tickets, or my Airbnb host is a fraud and I get scammed out of hundreds of dollars, get stranded with nowhere to stay, and going over on the ferry as much as I need to is not practical. I’m trying to take this as a positive, a blessing in disguise but it’s hard when you feel you’ve lost a massive part of your life... these next few months will be hard but I’m determined to make this a positive change. But god did I ever fuck up this time 😓
Oh no!! I think you have to have a certain number of points to lose your licence in the UK.. 12 points I think is the point you lose your license and you usually only get 3 points if you are caught speeding (depending on the speed difference) and a lot of the time if you argue that it’s a requirement for your job that you drive then you can keep it.
Oh no! That sucks so much hun. I can't believe they did that to you, especially since you paid the tickets already. Sending happy thoughts and positive vibes your way sweetie!!!