Sunday Feb 27, 2005 Feb 26, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Gooooooooooooooooo Million Dollar Baby! VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS pissed: We just saw meet the fockers last weekend-it rocked-yet to see million $$ baby-but I suspect that couldda been your part in the film...ya know with the black eyes & all Mar 2, 2005 ct: Well its a 150 cc two stroke and so it goes 60-65ish. Which is about what the honda will comfortably go. Plus I can park it on sidewalks! I know its no cafe racer, but it is classic. And they are so much fun! Plus the stella is a four speed manual and you can pop wheelies on them! and it's orange. Mar 3, 2005
Which is about what the honda will comfortably go. Plus I can park it on sidewalks!
I know its no cafe racer, but it is classic. And they are so much fun!
Plus the stella is a four speed manual and you can pop wheelies on them!
and it's orange.