Ever Have a Swift Punch To the Face Dead On By a Loco Hawaiian Guy???
Yeah Well let me tell you it's Not So Much Fun....
last night started out like any other with a cocktail on the beach ...
we were all just celibrating chinese new year and saying fare well to this awsome trip...(It has been One of the best birthday trips of my life!)
So we girls Celibrated & all decided to get tattooed as a remembrance Of our time togather ~
each of us picked out somthing that was to us a speical moment of our trip.
daisy and debbie went for local flowers julie went for an awsome tiki god and i got "my rooster on"... quite literaly Ive A Rooster on my left leg ..
you see there's all these wild roosters running around here and i absolutly love roosters as i wanted one of my own forever and not to mention that it is now the year of the rooster.... sooooooooooo Yeah Im happy Girl Who Finally got my rooster and as tom would put it "I Love The Chicken"
anyhoo back to how i got punched in the face by a local Dude...
After all the festivities were done we were walking a friend to his house down front st After his Birthday because he was just a little too drunk to even stand up by himself....
At this point It was Just Scott Tonia and myself when
we came up on a pretty big street fight of locals that were all over a couple of dumbass tourist guy's...
long story short once it was obvious that the tourist dudes were WAY out of their elliment they ran away...
thats when the locals turned their attention to "out our friend" Scott who was obviously too drunk to stand ... Tonia had been holding him up in a dark nook of the street Trying to act invisible as she knew better than to fuck with the locals on Maui.... But it dident work and soon the local dudes were all over Scott punching and kicking his helpless body (he pretty much passed out with the first punch....) So Ummm yeah that's when i Decided to step in & Say " back the fuck off "...
I Don't know what i was thinking other than hoping it might help by distracting the fuckers from hitting scott anymore.
all i know is i saw one of the locals hitting people with a fucking sk8 and having sceen what dammage a board can do to someones head Well i just acted out of impulse and what my heart said to do... No one ellse other than my girl tania was going to step up and i wasent about to just sit back and watch someone get plumetted over and over again ... I Guess i thought that the dude wouldent hit me .... Guess i was a bit off there ... anyway Now here I sit typing away as to take my mind off the blood that's been continusly trickling down the back of my throat for the last 5 Hrs... Ive a swollen shut left eye w/ a shiner that would make the uglest of skinheads prowd and a nose that just will not stop bleeding even after holding ice to it on and off this whole time.. oh and not to forget the knot the size of a golf ball that sit's just behind the left ear... oh yeah baby im soooooooooo pretty right now... Dude musta hit me atleast 3 times even as i tried to run away
You Know some things are just seriously fucked up in this world but at least i know that my friend's not dead and Hopefuly I Had Somthing to do with that.
( though he's pretty bashed up in his own right w/ a head full of stiches some broken ribs... At Least he's not hurt worse
& what i get to look forward to now is that the wounds will heal and come 10:30 Tonight i'll be on a plane heading home to my HoneyLove tom
.... oh how i miss My Gentle Boi ...
I Can Not Waite to see his shining smile & be able to wrap myself up in his loving arm's again
and with that All of this will be long past gone !
Well only with a Perminant Cock on my leg to remind me of my time in Maui ~
Till Than Im Off to Wash My Wounds again and perhaps hit the beach one last time~Ciao' ~SB7
Oh And P.S.
Thank you for all the AWSOME Kudos and well wishes on my birthday... You all made me smile & It Really has been the time of my life!!!
Yeah Well let me tell you it's Not So Much Fun....
last night started out like any other with a cocktail on the beach ...

we were all just celibrating chinese new year and saying fare well to this awsome trip...(It has been One of the best birthday trips of my life!)
So we girls Celibrated & all decided to get tattooed as a remembrance Of our time togather ~
each of us picked out somthing that was to us a speical moment of our trip.
daisy and debbie went for local flowers julie went for an awsome tiki god and i got "my rooster on"... quite literaly Ive A Rooster on my left leg ..

you see there's all these wild roosters running around here and i absolutly love roosters as i wanted one of my own forever and not to mention that it is now the year of the rooster.... sooooooooooo Yeah Im happy Girl Who Finally got my rooster and as tom would put it "I Love The Chicken"

anyhoo back to how i got punched in the face by a local Dude...
After all the festivities were done we were walking a friend to his house down front st After his Birthday because he was just a little too drunk to even stand up by himself....
At this point It was Just Scott Tonia and myself when
we came up on a pretty big street fight of locals that were all over a couple of dumbass tourist guy's...
long story short once it was obvious that the tourist dudes were WAY out of their elliment they ran away...
thats when the locals turned their attention to "out our friend" Scott who was obviously too drunk to stand ... Tonia had been holding him up in a dark nook of the street Trying to act invisible as she knew better than to fuck with the locals on Maui.... But it dident work and soon the local dudes were all over Scott punching and kicking his helpless body (he pretty much passed out with the first punch....) So Ummm yeah that's when i Decided to step in & Say " back the fuck off "...
I Don't know what i was thinking other than hoping it might help by distracting the fuckers from hitting scott anymore.
all i know is i saw one of the locals hitting people with a fucking sk8 and having sceen what dammage a board can do to someones head Well i just acted out of impulse and what my heart said to do... No one ellse other than my girl tania was going to step up and i wasent about to just sit back and watch someone get plumetted over and over again ... I Guess i thought that the dude wouldent hit me .... Guess i was a bit off there ... anyway Now here I sit typing away as to take my mind off the blood that's been continusly trickling down the back of my throat for the last 5 Hrs... Ive a swollen shut left eye w/ a shiner that would make the uglest of skinheads prowd and a nose that just will not stop bleeding even after holding ice to it on and off this whole time.. oh and not to forget the knot the size of a golf ball that sit's just behind the left ear... oh yeah baby im soooooooooo pretty right now... Dude musta hit me atleast 3 times even as i tried to run away

You Know some things are just seriously fucked up in this world but at least i know that my friend's not dead and Hopefuly I Had Somthing to do with that.
( though he's pretty bashed up in his own right w/ a head full of stiches some broken ribs... At Least he's not hurt worse

& what i get to look forward to now is that the wounds will heal and come 10:30 Tonight i'll be on a plane heading home to my HoneyLove tom

I Can Not Waite to see his shining smile & be able to wrap myself up in his loving arm's again

and with that All of this will be long past gone !
Well only with a Perminant Cock on my leg to remind me of my time in Maui ~

Till Than Im Off to Wash My Wounds again and perhaps hit the beach one last time~Ciao' ~SB7
Oh And P.S.
Thank you for all the AWSOME Kudos and well wishes on my birthday... You all made me smile & It Really has been the time of my life!!!


Holy fuck!!! I hope you pressed charges... I hope you feel better soon! Tonia? I know a Tonia...