Weekend's Almost here...
The Honey and I Are Going Camping / MotoXing One last time befor It's too Cold to ride .... Than it's SnowBoarding Time Again
& Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh How i can not waite~
Halloween is on it's way and the leaves are turning color and falling all around .... Than Christmas with a Fresh cut tree and the Lights and all it's festivities... Drinking Hot Buttered Rum's while Making love In Front of an open fire ~Oh how i Love this time of year!!!!
What can i say For all the times my life gives me head ache's Sometimes it's just really good to be me YO
The Honey and I Are Going Camping / MotoXing One last time befor It's too Cold to ride .... Than it's SnowBoarding Time Again

What can i say For all the times my life gives me head ache's Sometimes it's just really good to be me YO

I was so worried.
Yup. It's that time of year again. I'm totally psyched for Halloween. It's my fav. All the creepy stuff on TV, fall, playing outside in the mud - mmmmmmm. Costume suggestions are cool, too.
Anyways, yeah. "Dating service is crap". You're totally right. I should not judge it till I do it. I am in this bad habit of saying, "It's crap", then I do it and have a blast.
Thank you for pointing that out. And in other news...
I heard on NPR that the Northwest was getting an El Nino year. I thought of you and that hopefully it won't @%*! the snow.
I hope your happy keeps up! And thanks for responding!