~WHOOOOOHOOOOO~Im Offically Off the job for the next 4 day's YEA!
the BF's B-day weekend/Sk8Jam Bash Was a HUGE Success!!!!
Here's a shot of me giving my boy his B-DAY Spankings
HEHEHEHEHE~Ohhhhhhhhh Man it was some kind of fun!!!!
But Today isXteamriderOffical Birthday
so go give him some lovin will ya
Yesterday we broke out the JetSki's and BBQ Action on the lake & It was so beautyful out Unfortuniatly today Im Finally feeling a lil hung over from the entire weekend festivities....Blagh!
Though Tonight im taking my baby out to some Fine Italian Eating and Drinking than home for His Homemade Dark Chocolate cake w/Cream Cheese Dillitan chocolate Icing
Man am i good to him or what
But Thats only because he truly deserves it!!!!!!
Now I've schedualed Two count em 1-2 Massages with in Day's of one another and ive got plans to do nothing ellse but lay my lazy ass out by the lake and Swim Swim Swim
Summers Not Over Yet and for the next week i intend to prove it Aswell as ADORE It!!!
May you all Do equily lovely things for yourselfs as well!!!
the BF's B-day weekend/Sk8Jam Bash Was a HUGE Success!!!!
Here's a shot of me giving my boy his B-DAY Spankings

But Today isXteamriderOffical Birthday
so go give him some lovin will ya

Yesterday we broke out the JetSki's and BBQ Action on the lake & It was so beautyful out Unfortuniatly today Im Finally feeling a lil hung over from the entire weekend festivities....Blagh!
Though Tonight im taking my baby out to some Fine Italian Eating and Drinking than home for His Homemade Dark Chocolate cake w/Cream Cheese Dillitan chocolate Icing

Man am i good to him or what

Now I've schedualed Two count em 1-2 Massages with in Day's of one another and ive got plans to do nothing ellse but lay my lazy ass out by the lake and Swim Swim Swim
Summers Not Over Yet and for the next week i intend to prove it Aswell as ADORE It!!!
May you all Do equily lovely things for yourselfs as well!!!

Awww man, I am really sad I missed that!

i want to kiss you too !