Ever have those day's where you Doubt Just about everything in your life???
I Hate that
It's not even that im down or i hate my life or anything remotely close but rather like my gut is constantly tugging at me and Lately it's been making me feel like shit!
I Question my Relationships and the closeness we Actualy share or the lack there of and all too oftin if i try talking about it i just end up feeling More Isolated By my feelings.
You see im a talker Straight up and you can bet that what ever it is that's on my mind If i at all give a shit about you i will tell you.
Unfortuniatly For the most part i have found that Most people just can not handle being on the level with one another Muchless with themselfs And God forbid you be the one to bring things up to them...
It just Confuses me and makes me sad thats all.
Unfortuniatly in my Job (Hairdresser) i get to hang out All day long and listen to other people Whine and complain about the thing's That they feel they can't tell to their closest peeps...
It's EXAUSTING Taking on everyone ellses shit and seldom feeling as though you receve the same from others...
Last night i really needed a cuddle ... It Dident happen ... I Suppose Thats what i get for expecting in a result from someone ellse... Unfortuniatly it's a little hard to hug yourself...
Geeezus Do i sound pethetic or what
Im Even making myself sick
Unfortuniatly today just SUCKED & im feeling like a CrabyAss.
But Obviously Im Not feeling as though there's too many People in my life Who Really care to hear about my shitty day So that's my journal entry....pethtic shittyandall Straight from the soul !
Take it or leave it But don't expect Any sappy happy bullshit Here because today you just aint gonna get it from me
Now I Need a drink and a hot bath PRONTO!
I Hate that

I Question my Relationships and the closeness we Actualy share or the lack there of and all too oftin if i try talking about it i just end up feeling More Isolated By my feelings.
You see im a talker Straight up and you can bet that what ever it is that's on my mind If i at all give a shit about you i will tell you.
Unfortuniatly For the most part i have found that Most people just can not handle being on the level with one another Muchless with themselfs And God forbid you be the one to bring things up to them...

It just Confuses me and makes me sad thats all.
Unfortuniatly in my Job (Hairdresser) i get to hang out All day long and listen to other people Whine and complain about the thing's That they feel they can't tell to their closest peeps...

Last night i really needed a cuddle ... It Dident happen ... I Suppose Thats what i get for expecting in a result from someone ellse... Unfortuniatly it's a little hard to hug yourself...

Geeezus Do i sound pethetic or what
Im Even making myself sick

But Obviously Im Not feeling as though there's too many People in my life Who Really care to hear about my shitty day So that's my journal entry....pethtic shittyandall Straight from the soul !
Take it or leave it But don't expect Any sappy happy bullshit Here because today you just aint gonna get it from me

Now I Need a drink and a hot bath PRONTO!