Hanging out on the boi's computer wating for him to get home from work so that we can go ride our dirtbikes~
Had to do some"Familey ReConnecting" Yesterday by attending my Cousins play 'Fiddler on the roof'
It was a professional production and my cousin mark is in his mid to late 40's or so im guessing???
ANYHOO~ The show was Awsome up until the moment where I stoped on my way out to tell him just what a great show it was and he proceded to GO OFF ON ME (in front of the ENTIRE CAST) for not having kept in contact for 6 years.....
It was Horrable and Awkard not to mention upsetting I Mean WTF We just gave up our ENTIRE SUNDAY To go support him in his endevor and he fucking goes off on me????
(Now mind you we did not grow up togather nor were we ever exactly close infact i only really met him about 10yr's ago and with an allmost 15 year age gap between us we never really connected with any mutuial intrest)
So yeah you can say im not exactly the kind of person who goes out of my way to just "hang out" And fake it for distant familey.....
But i do send X-mas cards and show up to the occasional Event simply because it is Familey and i do beleave thats what you do...
But Now here im just sitting here inferiated
At the very thought of the whole experiance and that moment where he decided to lay his guilt on me...
And What do i have to say about hanging out with him now...?????
Guilt trips will get you nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!
On a brighter note~
Life is good... Ive actualy spent more than an evening in two weeks hanging with the BF
Though no one has come Along to Buy my VW Bug Yet
And Summer is Just slipping Away From me As i Type this
But Life in it's self is still good!
I Finally took the extensions out of my hair
Crazy as it seems considering how everyone seems to assume that having long hair is just OH SO SEXY and all ???
but having my chin length bob back just feels like the Sexy lil me that i have been missing so much lately
& i just Got laid a bunch to prove it
So the moral of this journal is..
Fake hair and fake Intensions will only get you nowhere Allways live it from the heart Say what you mean & Keep it real And ALLWAYS stay strong in your convictions For only good things can come from the honesty!!!
Have a good week Kid's~

Had to do some"Familey ReConnecting" Yesterday by attending my Cousins play 'Fiddler on the roof'
It was a professional production and my cousin mark is in his mid to late 40's or so im guessing???
ANYHOO~ The show was Awsome up until the moment where I stoped on my way out to tell him just what a great show it was and he proceded to GO OFF ON ME (in front of the ENTIRE CAST) for not having kept in contact for 6 years.....

It was Horrable and Awkard not to mention upsetting I Mean WTF We just gave up our ENTIRE SUNDAY To go support him in his endevor and he fucking goes off on me????
(Now mind you we did not grow up togather nor were we ever exactly close infact i only really met him about 10yr's ago and with an allmost 15 year age gap between us we never really connected with any mutuial intrest)
So yeah you can say im not exactly the kind of person who goes out of my way to just "hang out" And fake it for distant familey.....
But i do send X-mas cards and show up to the occasional Event simply because it is Familey and i do beleave thats what you do...

But Now here im just sitting here inferiated

And What do i have to say about hanging out with him now...?????
Guilt trips will get you nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!
On a brighter note~
Life is good... Ive actualy spent more than an evening in two weeks hanging with the BF

I Finally took the extensions out of my hair
Crazy as it seems considering how everyone seems to assume that having long hair is just OH SO SEXY and all ???
but having my chin length bob back just feels like the Sexy lil me that i have been missing so much lately

& i just Got laid a bunch to prove it

So the moral of this journal is..
Fake hair and fake Intensions will only get you nowhere Allways live it from the heart Say what you mean & Keep it real And ALLWAYS stay strong in your convictions For only good things can come from the honesty!!!
Have a good week Kid's~

Doesn't it feel good to take extentions out of your hair? Did you just rub your scalp all day long? Oh! and the super cool afro that you get from all those tight little braids being right next to your head! (!)
Theres so few women who can sport the bob with style. Its awesome to hear someone feels the way about it I do. about bobs that is.